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While Trump played down the coronavirus, three GOP governors went into action


On the other hand, several Republican governors who have felt the burden of responding more intensely to the growing problem have taken drastic measures to try to contain the spread of the virus – by applying emergency restrictions and taking executive measures in accordance with the recommendations public health officials and experts.

Among the GOP governors who have taken the strongest action are Larry Hogan of Maryland and Mike DeWine of Ohio. They were the first governors to cancel the school across the state, when they did so last week. On Monday, Hogan and DeWine issued directives to close several facilities and businesses – including restaurants, bars, gymnasiums and cinemas. Late Monday evening, DeWine announced that polling stations would be closed on Tuesday in Ohio following the pandemic.

"Governors are currently on the front lines," Hogan told CNN on Monday.

In the first 11 days of March, Republican governors of eight states – Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Ohio and Utah – all declared a form of state of emergency following the emergency. 39; coronavirus epidemic.

Aside from party loyalty, some GOP governors have not hesitated to criticize the Trump administration's efforts, asking for more help from a federal government that has been slower to respond . There have been others who have tended to emulate the President's optimistic and nonchalant tone regarding the coronavirus.

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, for example, tweeted a photo on Saturday of enjoying a meal in a crowded restaurant with his children, despite calls for social distancing from public health officials. Stitt deleted the tweet after being criticized, and ended up declaring a state of emergency for Oklahoma the next day.

Here is a look at three Republican governors – Hogan, DeWine and Charlie Baker of Massachusetts – who have been the most energetic in taking action against the spread of the virus.


While the epidemic was initially concentrated in states with Democratic governors such as Washington, California and New York, Hogan adopted preventative measures relatively early.

On February 28, he announced that he would be asking for $ 10 million in emergency funding for the preparation of the state legislature after three Maryland residents were tested for possible infection. On March 5, all three tests were confirmed positive and Hogan declared a state of emergency.

Since then, Maryland has imposed aggressive social distancing through executive orders. On March 12, Hogan announced that he would close all state schools for at least two weeks, ordered state employees who were able to telecommute, closed on Baltimore cruise port, bans mass gatherings of 250 or more, closed senior citizens' centers and activated the state national guard to prepare food distribution.

The restrictions have accumulated over the next few days. Hogan announced the closure of state casinos and racetracks on Sunday, followed by Monday closings of restaurants, bars, cinemas and gymnasiums. The governor also said that he had activated 250 state soldiers to enforce these prohibitions.


A former public servant who also served in both houses of Congress and in several offices across the state, DeWine quickly ended social life in Ohio.

Although the state has not had many early cases, DeWine announced on March 3 that spectators would not be allowed to another major sports and fitness festival in the capital of the state. 39; State of Columbus.

On March 9, Ohio had three confirmed cases of coronavirus. DeWine declared a state of emergency that day and the following day recommended that large-scale gatherings like college courses, sporting events and concerts be canceled. At this point, DeWine later told The Columbus Dispatch, his public health advisers warned him that the spread of the virus could explode in Ohio if more restrictive measures were not put in place.

On March 12, DeWine announced the closure of all schools in Ohio, shortly before Hogan announced the same for Maryland.

"The advice was that he might feel more comfortable doing it in two weeks, but you don't have two weeks when it multiplies so quickly. You have to slow it down, and the the time was right, "the governor told Dispatch. .

DeWine followed this up with closings of bars, restaurants and other public places over the next few days.

On Monday evening, it said in a statement that Ohio's director of health, Dr. Amy Acton, would order the closure of state polling stations as a health emergency.

DeWine had previously asked a court to move the primary elections in June to the middle of the pandemic, but was refused by a judge. It is not clear whether the order to close the polling stations as a health emergency will violate the court's decision.


The Bay State had a very early confirmed case of coronavirus, on February 1, in a university student recently returned from Wuhan, China.

The spread was calm after that, but resumed a month later, to the point that Massachusetts had 50 cases on March 10, when Baker declared a state of emergency.

By March 12, that number had more than doubled to 108, and Baker began sounding the alarm that Massachusetts needed more help from the federal government to resist the demand for antivirus testing.

"We need the federal government, the CDC, and the FDA, in particular, to give hospitals and testing facilities here in Massachusetts – who have the ability to test – … the equipment, then approval they need to start testing themselves, " Baker said at a press conference that day.

On March 13, the same day that Trump declared a national emergency, Baker banned rallies of more than 250 people. On Sunday, the governor issued his largest tranche of executive decrees, blocking much of the state's social activity.

In addition to closing schools across the state for three weeks, Massachusetts has banned the distribution of food to bars and restaurants (allowing delivery and pickup), gatherings of more than 25 people, and local visitors. nursing homes and assisted care facilities.

CNN's Holmes Lybrand and Dan Merica contributed to this story.

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