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China. send more pandas to the San Diego Zoo this year

China.  send more pandas to the San Diego Zoo this year
China.  send more pandas to the San Diego Zoo this year


China plans to send a new pair of giant pandas to the San Diego Zoo, renewing its long-standing gesture of friendship to the United States after nearly all the iconic bears on loan to American zoos were returned as Relations began to deteriorate between the two nations. Video above: For more on the process and plans to bring pandas to the San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo officials told the Associated Press that if all permits and other requirements are approved , two bears, a male and a female, are expected to arrive as early as late summer, about five years after the zoo sent its last pandas back to China. “We are very excited and hopeful,” said Megan Owen of the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance and vice president of Wildlife Conservation Science. “They expressed immense enthusiasm for restarting panda cooperation, starting with the San Diego Zoo. In November, Chinese President Xi Jinping raised hopes that his country would resume sending pandas pandas in the United States after he and President Joe Biden gathered in Northern California for their first face-to-face meeting in a year and pledged to try to reduce tensions. Video below : Chinese President Xi Jinping in November 2023 spoke on the future of pandas in the United States. China is considering a pair including a descendant of Bai Yun and Gao Gao, two of the zoo's former residents, said Owen, an expert on panda behavior who has worked in San Diego and China. Bai Yun, born in captivity in China, lived at the zoo for more than 20 years and gave birth to six cubs. She and her son were the zoo's last pandas and returned to China in 2019. Gao Gao was born in the wild in China and lived at the San Diego Zoo from 2003 to 2018 before being returned. Decades of conservation efforts in the Nature and captive studies have saved the giant panda species from extinction, increasing its population from fewer than 1,000 at a time to more than 1,800 in the wild and in captivity. Both black and white bears have is has long been the symbol of US-China friendship since Beijing gifted a pair of pandas to the National Zoo in Washington, DC, in 1972, before the normalization of bilateral relations. China later loaned pandas to zoos to help raise cubs and increase the population. Demands for the return of giant pandas, known as China's “national treasure,” have grown among the Chinese public as unproven allegations that U.S. zoos are mistreating pandas have flooded Chinese social media. Fears about the future of so-called panda diplomacy intensified last year when zoos in Memphis, Tennessee and Washington, D.C., sent their pandas back to China, leaving only four pandas in the states -United, all at the Atlanta Zoo. This loan agreement expires later this year. Many loan agreements lasted 10 years and were often extended well beyond that. But negotiations last year to extend agreements with U.S. zoos or send more pandas did not yield results. Chinese observers have speculated that Beijing is gradually withdrawing its pandas from Western countries due to deteriorating diplomatic relations with the United States and other countries. Then, on November 15, 2023, a week after the pandas left the National Zoo for China, Xi spoke at a dinner in downtown San Francisco with U.S. business executives and reported that more pandas could be sent. He said he learned about the San Diego Zoo and that Californians were “looking forward to welcoming the pandas back.” “I was told that many Americans, especially children, were really reluctant to say goodbye to the pandas and were heading to the zoo to “Video below: In November 2023, the pandas at the US National Zoo were sent back in China amid growing diplomatic tensions. The San Diego Zoo continued to work with its Chinese counterparts even after it no longer had pandas. Owen said China is particularly interested in exchanging information on the successful breeding of pandas in captivity at the zoo. Giant pandas are difficult to breed, in part because the female's breeding window is extremely narrow, lasting only 48 to 72 hours per year. Bai Yun's first cub, Hua Mei, was also the first panda born via artificial insemination to survive to adulthood outside of China. , and would give birth to 12 babies alone after being sent to China. Bai Yun, for her part, remained at the zoo where she gave birth to two other females and three males. With cameras in her den, the researchers monitored her, contributing to the understanding of maternal care behavior, Owen said. “We have a lot of knowledge and institutional capacity from our last cooperation agreement, which we can leverage in this next chapter, as well as train the next generation of panda conservationists,” she said. . The Chinese experts would travel with the bears and spend months in San Diego, Owen said. She said the return of the bears is not only good for San Diego, but also for the giant panda. recovery as a species. “We talk about panda diplomacy all the time,” Owen said. “Diplomacy is an essential part of conservation in many contexts. …. If we can't learn to work together, you know, in situations that are sometimes difficult or completely out of the control of conservationists, so we “I'm not going to succeed.”

China plans to send a new pair of giant pandas to the San Diego Zoo, renewing its long-standing gesture of friendship to the United States after nearly all the iconic bears on loan to American zoos were returned as Relations began to deteriorate between the two nations.

Video above: Learn about the process and plans to bring pandas to the San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo officials told The Associated Press that if all permits and other requirements are approved, two bears, a male and a female, are expected to arrive as early as late summer, about five years after the zoo has returned its last pandas. in China.

“We are very excited and hopeful,” said Megan Owen of the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance and vice president of Wildlife Conservation Science. “They expressed immense enthusiasm to restart cooperation with pandas, starting with the San Diego Zoo.

In November, Chinese President Xi Jinping raised hopes that his country would resume sending pandas to the United States after he and President Joe Biden gathered in Northern California for their first face-to-face meeting for a year and have committed to trying to reduce tensions.

Video below: Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke in November 2023 on the future of pandas in the United States.

China is considering a pair that includes a descendant of Bai Yun and Gao Gao, two former residents of the zoo, said Owen, an expert on panda behavior who has worked in San Diego and China.

Bai Yun, born in captivity in China, lived at the zoo for more than 20 years and gave birth to six cubs. She and her son were the zoo's last pandas and returned to China in 2019.

Gao Gao was born in the wild in China and lived at the San Diego Zoo from 2003 to 2018 before being returned.

Decades of conservation efforts in the wild and studies in captivity have saved the giant panda species from extinction, increasing its population from fewer than 1,000 individuals at a time to more than 1,800 individuals in the wild and in captivity.

Black and white bears have long been the symbol of friendship between the United States and China since Beijing gifted a pair of pandas to the National Zoo in Washington, DC, in 1972, before the normalization of bilateral relations. China later loaned pandas to zoos to help raise cubs and increase the population.

Demands for the return of giant pandas, known as China's “national treasure,” have grown among the Chinese public as unproven allegations that U.S. zoos mistreated pandas flooded Chinese social media.

Fears about the future of so-called panda diplomacy intensified last year when zoos in Memphis, Tennessee and Washington, D.C., sent their pandas back to China, leaving only four pandas in the states -United, all at the Atlanta Zoo. This loan agreement expires later this year.

Many loan agreements lasted 10 years and were often extended well beyond that. But negotiations last year to extend agreements with U.S. zoos or send more pandas did not yield results. Chinese observers have speculated that Beijing is gradually withdrawing its pandas from Western countries due to deteriorating diplomatic relations with the United States and other countries.

Then, on November 15, 2023, a week after the pandas left the National Zoo for China, Xi spoke at a dinner in downtown San Francisco with U.S. business executives and signaled that more pandas could be sent. He said he learned that the San Diego Zoo and the people of California “are very eager to welcome the pandas back.”

“I was told that many Americans, especially children, were really reluctant to say goodbye to the pandas and were going to the zoo to accompany them,” Xi said.

Video below: In November 2023, pandas from the US National Zoo were returned to China amid growing diplomatic tensions.

The San Diego Zoo continued to work with its Chinese counterparts even after it no longer had pandas.

Owen said China was particularly interested in exchanging information on the successful breeding of pandas in captivity at the zoo. Giant pandas are difficult to breed, in part because the female's breeding window is extremely narrow, lasting only 48 to 72 hours per year.

Bai Yun's first cub, Hua Mei, was also the first panda born via artificial insemination to survive to adulthood outside of China and later produced 12 cubs on her own after being sent to China .

Bai Yun, for her part, remained at the zoo where she gave birth to two other females and three males. With cameras in her den, the researchers monitored her, contributing to the understanding of maternal care behavior, Owen said.

“We have a wealth of knowledge and institutional capacity from our last cooperation agreement that we can bring to bear in this next chapter, as well as to train the next generation of panda conservationists,” she said. declared.

Chinese experts would travel with the bears and spend months in San Diego, Owen said.

She said the return of the bears is not only good for San Diego but also for the recovery of the giant panda as a species.

“We talk about panda diplomacy all the time,” Owen said. “Diplomacy is an essential part of conservation in many contexts. …. If we can't learn to work together, you know, in situations that are sometimes difficult or completely out of the control of conservationists, so we “I'm not going to succeed.”




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