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Narendra Modi visits Kashmir for the first time since the removal of state autonomy | Cashmere

Narendra Modi visits Kashmir for the first time since the removal of state autonomy |  Cashmere


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first visit to Kashmir since the government revoked the region's autonomy in 2019, saying the state was finally breathing freely despite allegations of systematic repression.

Thousands of police and paramilitary officers were mobilized ahead of Modi's first rally in more than five years, held in the state's largest city, Srinagar.

Addressing the crowd, Modi proclaimed a new era of peace and development in the region. This is the new Jammu and Kashmir that we have been waiting for for decades, he said.

Modi's speech hailed an era of development after his government decided overnight to revoke Article 370 in the wake of the 2019 elections. The status gives the Muslim-majority state a unique form of autonomy, including its own constitution and protections in law, land and culture for over 70 years.

The move stripped the region of its statehood and divided it into two union territories of Jammu and Kashmir under the control of the central government. Tens of thousands of troops were deployed to the state, and in the following months a fierce crackdown was implemented. The Internet was cut for more than 18 months and all political leaders in the region were arrested.

The move responds to a long-standing Hindu nationalist commitment and was widely welcomed across India, but angered many in the territory itself. An Amnesty International report reveals that the government significantly intensified repression in Kashmir after the scrapping of Article 370.

Kashmir, India's largest Muslim-majority region, has been a source of turmoil for decades. It has long been claimed by India and Pakistan, and since the 1990s, Indian-administered Kashmir has been home to a violent militant insurgency allied with Pakistan.

The decision to revoke Article 370 in 2019 was justified by the Modi government on grounds of security and alignment of the region with the rest of India. However, this project has not received the support of most Kashmiris, who see it as a violation of their rights and freedoms by the Hindu nationalist government.

Subsequently, new rules were implemented, allowing foreigners to buy land in the state for the first time, which many saw as an attempt by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to dispossess them of their land. lands and modify the Muslim demographics of the region. .

Press freedom has also been suppressed in the region, with independent journalists questioned and, in several cases, arrested and detained under anti-terrorism laws. Human rights defenders have also been regularly harassed and detained.

Modi's visit to Srinagar is seen as a campaign event for the upcoming elections, where he will seek a third term in power. His party, the BJP, which has never won the Srinagar seat, is also hoping to make further political inroads in the Himalayan region through the polls.

The government embarked on a delimitation exercise last year to redraw parliamentary constituencies in Jammu and Kashmir, which gave more seats to Hindu-majority areas of the region and was therefore seen as politically advantageous for the BJP ahead of the 2024 elections.

Kashmir has been without state political representation since 2018, when the BJP-appointed governor dissolved the state assembly. Political leaders in the region have accused the BJP of suspending democracy as no national elections have been held in over a decade.

The Supreme Court has ruled that national elections must take place by September, but no date has been confirmed.




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