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“Narendra Modi’s vision will revolutionize video gaming,” Indian gamers said after meeting the Prime Minister

“Narendra Modi’s vision will revolutionize video gaming,” Indian gamers said after meeting the Prime Minister
“Narendra Modi’s vision will revolutionize video gaming,” Indian gamers said after meeting the Prime Minister


PM Modi with players
Image Source: INDIA TV PM Modi with players

Top seven Indian players met and held discussions with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This meeting not only marks an important moment for the gaming community in India, but also highlights the growing influence and importance of gaming in the country's cultural and economic landscape.

Several major game makers recently met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said his vision would “revolutionize the gaming sector” in the country. Creators like Animesh Agarwal, Mithilesh Patankar, Payal Dhare, Naman Mathur and Anshu Bisht met PM Modi and discussed the rise of the e-gaming industry. Meanwhile, PM Modi also tried his hand at some games.

After meeting Prime Minister Modi, Animesh and Mithilesh posted on Instagram: “We recently had an in-depth discussion with the Prime Minister about the eSports industry. His vision is poised to revolutionize gaming by India.”

A huge gaming audience of 45-55 million players in India

Let us tell you that currently there is a huge gaming audience of 45-55 million players in India. According to recent industry data, the Indian gaming industry generated revenues of $3.1 billion in fiscal 2013, an increase of 19% from $2.6 billion in FY 2012. Payal Dhare in her Instagram post said that it was an honor to be the only female gamer to discuss the future of e-gaming and content creation with PM Modi. Thank you for recognizing our voices and leading the way for inclusivity in this industry, she said.

According to Invest India, online gaming constitutes the fourth segment of the Indian media and entertainment sector. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20 percent to reach Rs 231 billion by 2025.

PM Modi awarded National Designer Awards to 23 people

Last month, the creator and influencer community congratulated PM Modi at the National Creators Awards in New Delhi, calling him the creator of the “new India” and “the greatest of all time”. PM Modi honored 23 people in this program. He awarded the Best Creator for Social Change award to storyteller Jaya Kishori. Additionally, the Cultural Ambassador of the Year award was given to Maithili Thakur.

“It is an event which marks a premature recognition of the new era”

Meanwhile, while congratulating the creators, the Prime Minister had said, “The superpower of certain sectors may have inspired the government to think about the length of its tenure.” This is why you deserve congratulations. The credit goes to all Indian content creators. Thanks to the courage you have shown, you have all arrived here today and the country looks at you with great hope. Your content creates a huge impact across India.




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