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Biden warns Xi of 'consequences' of China's support for Russian war in Ukraine

Biden warns Xi of 'consequences' of China's support for Russian war in Ukraine
Biden warns Xi of 'consequences' of China's support for Russian war in Ukraine


US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping during a virtual meeting.

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping during an earlier virtual meeting.Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

  • Biden warned China of the “consequences” China would face if it offered “material support” to Russia.

  • Biden spoke with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for nearly two hours on Friday.

  • Their call comes amid concerns in the United States that China is offering support for Russia's war in Ukraine.

President Joe Biden on Friday warned Chinese leader Xi Jinping of the “consequences” China would face if it offered “material support” to Russia in its war in Ukraine.

“President Biden detailed our efforts to prevent and then respond to the invasion, including imposing costs on Russia. He outlined the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia as it carries out brutal attacks on Ukrainian cities and civilians,” the White House said. said in a report of the two leaders' call that lasted just under two hours.

The statement did not specify what these consequences might entail. China previously said she wants to avoid being drawn into American sanctions against Russia. There would be immense pressure to directly sanction China if Beijing were to provide weapons or aid to Russia. But the United States and China are much more closely linked than the United States and Russia, which could make imposing such sanctions extremely difficult.

Beijing began giving its version of the call even before Biden and Xi finished speaking. A Foreign Affairs spokesperson largely reiterated what has become China's fine line of denouncing violence in Ukraine without forcefully condemning Russia.

“The more complex the situation, the more necessary it is to remain calm and rational. Whatever the circumstances, there is always a need for political courage to create a space for #peace and leave room for a political settlement,” said Hua Chunying, group assistant. Minister of Foreign Affairs, wrote on Twitter.

Ahead of Friday's call, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was “concerned” about China following through on its aid.

“We are concerned that they are considering directly assisting Russia by providing military equipment for use in Ukraine,” Blinken told reporters. “President Biden will speak with President Xi tomorrow and make clear that China will take responsibility for any actions it takes to support Russia's aggression, and we will not hesitate to impose costs.”

Their conversation took place as Russia reportedly pressured China to help in its war. CBS News previously reported that Moscow has asked Beijing for aid and military equipment as the Kremlin faces fierce Ukrainian opposition. Xi and Russian leader Vladimir Putin met during the 2022 Winter Olympics and issued a joint statement in which China has supported Russia's opposition to further NATO expansion. It has also been said that Xi asked Putin to delay any invasion until after the gamesbut China has categorically denied any such agreement.

Faced with competing interests, China reacted in confusion to the Russian invasion. He did not explicitly support Putin's war, but he also chose not to join the international sanctions coalition that has devastated the Russian economy.

“The conflict between Russia and Ukraine does not benefit China. If China had known about the impending crisis, we would have done our best to prevent it,” China's ambassador to the United States said. United, Qin Gang. wrote in a Washington Post editorial last weekend.

Read the original article on Business Insider




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