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Pakistan: Imran Khan writes letter to Chief Justice Isa demanding punishment of people who violated constitution

Pakistan: Imran Khan writes letter to Chief Justice Isa demanding punishment of people who violated constitution
Pakistan: Imran Khan writes letter to Chief Justice Isa demanding punishment of people who violated constitution


Islamabad: Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday wrote a letter to Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa, demanding punishment of those who violated the Constitution in cases related to alleged interference by six judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC). in legal cases by the country's intelligence apparatus, Pakistan-based Dawn reported. The development comes after six judges of the Islamabad High Court leveled allegations against interference in judicial matters by Pakistan's intelligence apparatus. On March 25, six IHC judges wrote a letter to members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), regarding attempts to pressure judges through kidnapping, torture of their family members and secret surveillance of their homes. Justices Mohsin Akhtar Kayani, Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, Babar Sattar, Sardar Ejaz Ishaq Khan, Arbab Muhammad Tahir and Saman Rafat Imtiaz had signed the letter, according to the Dawn report.

In the letter, Imran Khan called it “ironic” that those who were supposed and required to deliver justice were seeking it themselves. He said the IHC judges' request for a judicial convention to examine the issue would have “revealed the extent of this interference and demonstrated the extent to which, institutionally, those who are armed continue to dominate those who are armed with weapons.” feather “.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan said the steps taken so far by the Supreme Court were “soft and indecisive”. He stressed that the situation required “strict action by the SC to quickly put the system in order” to help all higher and lower courts. Imran Khan said: “This calls for bringing together and putting in place a robust enforcement and accountability mechanism that resurrects the independence of the judiciary. And it calls for punishing those who have violated the Constitution through unconstitutional means, as noted above. “Failure to do so, the people's confidence in Pakistan's justice system, which is already undergoing significant erosion, will be dismantled and demolished,” he added.

Imran Khan said the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution had fallen to a “new low” in Pakistan, leading to the “gradual emergence of the law of the jungle and adoption of the primitive doctrine that might is right.

He warned that if “the situation were to prevail, it would be fatal to any civilized order in the world”, particularly if the higher judiciary did not intervene “significantly”. In his letter, Imran Khan raised seven issues and said these circumstances required “rapid intervention”, according to the Dawn report.

Criticizing the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) for giving a nod to Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif in the Toshakhana vehicle case, Imran Khan said the agency anti-corruption “made fun of our judicial system”. ” in proposing the exoneration of the former Prime Minister when this matter had previously been considered an “open and shut case”.

He demanded a thorough investigation into the conduct of Lieutenant General (retd) Nazir Ahmed Butt as NAB chairman for “dishonesty, discrimination and double standards employed by the NAB”, Dawn reported.

The PTI founder said he believed more than 90 percent of those arrested for incidents of violence, arson and looting linked to the May 9 protests were “peaceful, unarmed protesters who did not delivered to no violence.”

Imran Khan said a constitutional petition demanding an independent, transparent and thorough investigation to identify the instigators and perpetrators of the May 9 violence, as well as those who enabled its escalation, was pending before the Supreme Court since May 25 2023. He said the case must be taken up and decided on priority in the interest of “complete justice”.

Speaking about the allegations of fraud in the February 8 general elections, Imran Khan said the apex court should consider the petitions on the manner in which the elections were conducted on priority and take a decision on them, Dawn reported.

In the letter, Imran Khan said, “Inaction on the part of you and the SC on each of the above-mentioned issues of grave importance would exacerbate the constitutional crisis the country is already facing and push it ever closer to the abyss. “




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