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The many dilemmas of the PTI – Journal

The many dilemmas of the PTI – Journal


Despite its unprecedented public support, the PTI faces multiple dilemmas. Recent statements from its leaders, including the party's founder Imran Khan, suggest that its fight for survival and relevance will have to be fought on several fronts.

Amid ill-informed reporting and analysis by various TV anchors that some sort of deal was being negotiated between the establishment and the PTI chief, Imran Khan lashed out at the army chief during an interaction with the media present in one of its prisons. testing this week.

The continuing estrangement between the PTI and the establishment poses enough of a challenge for the political party and its leaders, considering the ground reality in Pakistan, where all mainstream parties, including Imran Khans, have strengthened the role of forces extra-parliamentary activities in daily life. the daily management of government for limited, temporary and, therefore, meaningless gains. The cumulative effect of their capitulation has been an ever-increasing imprint of the establishment in the affairs of state. Since the institution claims to be responsible for its own responsibility, it is rarely held to account. Today, the challenge represented by this hybrid system faces all political parties.

The PTI faces even greater challenges. A hint came from party leader Sher Afzal Marwat, who said in a television interview that Saudi Arabia was part of the US conspiracy for regime change that led to the overthrow of Imran Khan's government in spring 2022 during of a vote of censure. as a high-level Saudi delegation discussed multi-billion dollar investments in Pakistan.

Since he made this statement, as expected, denials have been issued by several party leaders. Mr. Marwat himself clarified that what he said was his personal opinion and not the party's position. But any political commentator who believes Mr Marwat spoke for himself must be naive. He is very close to Mr Khan and is recognized by many in the party as the man who energized the PTI before the elections in the forced absence and imprisonment of the founder. In March, and again in April, the lawmaker was nominated by his party to run for the influential post of chairman of the National Assembly's Public Accounts Committee. This decision alone should clarify the situation regarding his proximity to the PTI supremo.

Donald Trump may have nice things to say about Imran Khan, but he prefers the Saudis.

The initial bonhomie between the Saudi crown prince and Mr Khan was evident during the prince's visit to Pakistan. The then Prime Minister personally took the wheel to drive his august guest, who reciprocated by saying that Pakistan should see him (the crown prince) as its ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Soon after, relations between the two seemed to deteriorate.

Speculation abounds about why relationships are deteriorating. It includes an alleged conversation aboard a royal Saudi business jet that the crown prince had made available for Mr. Khan to travel to New York to address a session of the General Assembly United Nations. No one was able to get an official response, but it was rumored that Mr Khan had made disparaging remarks about the Saudi king and these were brought to his attention.

It is unclear whether the crew heard them or whether the plane was equipped with listening devices. What was evident was that, on the way back, the plane returned to New York shortly after takeoff because the pilot reported a technical problem. And Mr. Khan and his entourage had to make other travel arrangements.

There is no doubt that PTI supporters among overseas Pakistanis in the United States, including many influential and wealthy personalities, have lobbied tirelessly for the party and its leader. This is in addition to the work done by professional lobbyists.

The result was the letter that a number of members of Congress wrote to their administration in support of Imran Khan. A congressional committee hearing was also convened, at which US Deputy Secretary of State Donald Lu was among the witnesses.

It is worth recalling that Mr. Lu's informal discussion with the then Pakistani Ambassador to the United States was cited by Imran Khan as evidence of a US conspiracy for regime change against his government. He held up a copy, apparently of the cipher sent by the envoy detailing that conversation, at a public meeting in Islamabad to add weight to his allegation.

Although the joint letter and even the congressional hearing may have gone some way to ensuring that members of Congress keep their wealthy donors and constituents on their side, their impact has been minimal in securing any concessions for the PTI or its founder.

The US presidential election, despite Donald Trump's anticipated lead over President Joe Biden in opinion polls, will not be decided until November. Some PTI supporters are optimistic that a Trump victory, a certainty for them, could translate into a change in fortunes for their imprisoned leader. They believe the camaraderie displayed between the two leaders during the White House meeting indicates that Donald Trump held Mr. Khan in high regard.

In this context, Mr. Marwats' opinions take on greater importance. Donald Trump may have nice things to say about Imran Khan, but he likes the Saudis more because they are essential allies and a cornerstone of American policy (under Biden and even more so under Trump) in the Middle East. The Trump family, particularly the former president's son-in-law, has business interests that the Saudis can greatly enhance.

Even otherwise, the expectation of change in the United States leading to change in Pakistan seems entirely unreal and exaggerated. Therefore, the safest bet for any party would be to rely on public support and make concerted efforts with political entities to bring about meaningful change.

The writer is a former editor of [email protected]

Published in Dawn, April 21, 2024




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