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UK puts its defense industry on “war footing” and grants Ukraine $620 million in new military aid

UK puts its defense industry on “war footing” and grants Ukraine $620 million in new military aid


WARSAW, Poland Britain's prime minister said Tuesday his country is putting its defense industry on a war footing by increasing defense spending to 2.5 percent of GDP by the end of the decade, and pledged to send weapons worth 500 million pounds ($620 million) to Ukraine.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak described the increase as the biggest boost to our national defense in a generation.

In a world that is the most dangerous it has been since the end of the Cold War, we cannot be complacent, Sunak told a news conference alongside NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, during a visit to Poland. As our adversaries line up, we must do more to defend our country, our interests and our values.

Sunak has promised an extra 75 billion pounds ($93 billion) in defense spending over the next six years. The 2.5% GDP spending target was a recommitment to a target set by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in 2022. Sunak had previously said the target would be met when economic conditions allowed.

Ten years ago, NATO leaders agreed to spend 2% of GDP on defense spending. The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine gave this effort new urgency. Britain has spent more than that amount over the past decade, but never more than 2.35% in 2020, according to NATO data.

“We will put the UK's defense industry on a war footing,” Sunak told British troops serving on NATO's eastern front near Ukraine. One of the main lessons of the war in Ukraine is that we need larger ammunition stocks and the industry can replenish them more quickly.

Official UK figures show that defense spending last year was around £55.5 billion. NATO data shows this represents around 2.07% of the UK's GDP, ahead of countries like France and Germany, but behind Poland, the US, Estonia and others .

It's time for us to rearm, Sunak told a news conference alongside Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, pointing out that Poland spends a higher percentage of its GDP on defense than any ally. NATO.

Sunak said that next year Britain would deploy its Typhoon fighter jets to Poland to help control its skies. Poland, which borders Ukraine, has experienced several incursions into its airspace since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Sunak also spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to confirm the new aid to Ukraine and assure him of the UK's unwavering support for Ukraine's defense against Russia's brutal and expansionist ambitions, he said. indicated Sunak's office.

British authorities said the commitment included 400 vehicles, 60 boats, 1,600 munitions and 4 million rounds of ammunition, at a time when Ukraine East I have trouble remembering the advance of Russian forces on the Eastern front line.

The delivery will include British long-range Storm Shadow missiles, which have a range of around 150 miles (240 kilometers) and have proven effective in hitting Russian targets.

Zelensky has pleaded for more international aid, warning that his country would lose the war without it.

The British announcement comes three days after the US House of Representatives approved $61 billion in new aid to Ukraine. The Senate voted the packet Tuesday.

Ammunition shortages over the past six months have led Ukrainian military commanders to ration shells, a disadvantage Russia has taken advantage of this year by taking the town of Avdiivka and currently moving towards the town of Chasiv Yar, also in the eastern Donetsk region.

Hui reported from London.

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