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PM Shehbaz urged to extend olive branch to imprisoned Imran Khan, restore ties with India

PM Shehbaz urged to extend olive branch to imprisoned Imran Khan, restore ties with India


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif (left) and PTI founder Imran Khan. APP/Instagram/@imrankhan.ptiPM Shehbaz addresses the business community of Karachi. Businessmen welcome the measures taken by the Prime Minister to stabilize the economy. The Prime Minister urged to shake hands with the “inmate of Adiala Prison”.

A top business leader of the country has urged Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to extend an olive branch to his incarcerated political rival, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan.

The PTI founder remains behind bars after being incarcerated in a series of cases containing criminal charges including the Official Secrets Act, terrorism, corruption and others.

Khan, the deposed prime minister, was ousted from power via the opposition's no-confidence motion in April 2022. However, the PTI alleged that Khan's removal was orchestrated by the United States by supporting the no-confidence motion of the opposition.

The PTI founder was arrested in August last year after being convicted in the Toshakhana case. Later, he was also convicted in cipher and un-Islamic marriage cases, in which his appeals are currently pending in the respective courts.

This development took place during the Prime Minister's one-day visit to Karachi, where he addressed the business community and listened to their suggestions and questions related to trade and economy.

During a question-and-answer session, business tycoon Arif Habib appreciated Prime Minister Shehbaz's efforts during his previous tenure to secure the bailout package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Referring to his meeting with the Managing Director of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, in June last year, the owner of the largest brokerage company suggested the Prime Minister to shake two more hands, one with the neighboring country , including India, and the other with the founder of the PTI, with the aim of ensuring the stability of the country. the country.

[] Secondly, you should also shake hands with an inmate of Adiala Prison. I believe these two steps will yield positive results, he noted.

Pakistan downgraded ties, including suspending trade relations with India, after the Modi-led government unilaterally changed the special status of the occupied valley in August 2019, a move that Islamabad said harmed environment conducive to negotiations between neighbors.

Pakistan has linked its decision to normalize relations with India to the restoration of the special status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

PM meets Sindh CM

Earlier today, Prime Minister Shehbaz assured Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah of the full support of the federal government in resolving the issues raised by the provincial authorities.

We will work together as brothers, as a team in the interest of the people of Pakistan, the Prime Minister said while chairing a meeting at the CM House.

The Prime Minister added that working together was the only option for progress and prosperity and they would not compromise on this.

PM Shehbaz told CM Murad that he was present to listen to him.

The prime minister's assurance came after the provincial chief minister lamented the lack of support from the Center for Sindh's inclusion in new development schemes.

For the last four years, the federation has ignored Sindh in new projects, the chief minister said today during a briefing with Prime Minister Shehbaz in Karachi.

Various issues were discussed at a meeting chaired by the Prime Minister, which was held after he arrived in the port city for a day-long visit after being elected Prime Minister for the second time.




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