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Rahul Dravid gets 'piecemeal' warning from Sidhu to avoid T20 World Cup debacle: 'Look at Imran Khan, Steve Waugh' | Cricket

Rahul Dravid gets 'piecemeal' warning from Sidhu to avoid T20 World Cup debacle: 'Look at Imran Khan, Steve Waugh' |  Cricket


It was in 2013 that India last won an ICC trophy. Ever since MS Dhoni and his team won the ICC Champions Trophy in England, India waited 11 years to get their hands on the next ICC trophy, but all they got were disappointments and opportunities missed. Over the past decade, India have lost four semi-finals and two World Cup finals, with defeat in the final of the 2017 Champions Trophy and back-to-back World Test Championships. Captains have come and gone, as have coaches, but the one thing that has remained constant is India's empty trophy cabinet.

Navjot Sidhu wishes Rahul Dravid had more specialists and fewer utility players (Getty-PTI)

Last year, India had their best chance to end the wait by playing the World Cup at home, but their dream was shattered by Australia in the final. Nonetheless, it's another year and another World Cup awaits us, but this time, to ensure that the Indian team returns victorious against the USA and West Indies, former batter Navjot Singh Sidhu has one piece of advice to give to Rahul Dravid. Sidhu, Dravid's former India teammate, warned the head coach against compromising and urged The Wall to stick to five specialist bowlers, two spinners and three pacers or vice-versa, depending on the conditions of the playing XI, whatever happens.

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India's squad for the T20 World Cup is yet to be chosen, but some names, Kuldeep Yadav and Jasprit Bumrah, are assured of a place in the 15. For other spinners and pacers, Sidhu has made a list promising young people who, according to him, should give the green light. -in front, including pacer Mayank Yadav, who impressed everyone with his speed.

“My direct advice to Rahul Dravid is if you want to win this tournament, have five bowlers who specialize in wicket taking, it's simple. The collapse of a team's character stems from the compromise column. Your character takes one shot when you compromise you have three spinners Bishnoi, Kuldeep and Jadeja pick himself and play three fast bowlers,” Sidhu said in a chat with Star Sports.

“Mayank Yadav, if he is fit, comes in the side. Khaleel Ahmed, Mohsin Khan. And Delhi Capitals have Mukesh Kumar. I think the Indian team has so many options that if they take bowlers from wicket and doesn't compromise thinking this guy can bat a little bit, bowl a little bit.

Examples of Sidhu’s “Imran Khan-Steve Waugh”

Over the years, the Indian team has been found guilty of persisting more with utility players than specialists, especially bowlers. Axar Patel, Shardul Thakur and Deepak Chahar are individuals who are primarily bowlers, but have benefited from a longer run due to their ability to compete with the bat. Sidhu wants Dravid and India to take inspiration from a few legendary World Cup winners, break free from that approach and pick six specialist batters and five specialist bowlers who can get the job done.

“All the great captains I have seen look up to Imran Khan of Pakistan or Steve Waugh of Australia. They all preferred wicket bowlers. And that's the secret. It's a theme we tend to ignore. If seven batters can't win the match, neither will the eighth batter,” Sidhu added.




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