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Dubai: How Imran Khan inspired this Kerala-born cricketer to dream of a World Cup hundred – News

Dubai: How Imran Khan inspired this Kerala-born cricketer to dream of a World Cup hundred – News


CP Rizwan is determined to help UAE qualify for the 2027 ODI World Cup. Photo provided

Published: Fri April 26, 2024, 01:06

No one would have raised an eyebrow if CP Rizwan, the 36-year-old Kerala-born cricketer, had announced his retirement after losing the captaincy and his place in the UAE team, just a year after led the country at the ICC T20 World Cup 2022. Cup in Australia.

But Rizwan is not someone who throws in the towel after a few setbacks.

CP Rizwan (second from left, third row) poses with other captains before the start of the 2022 T20 World Cup in Australia

A technically decent batsman who can pick a few wickets with his part-time spin, Rizwan is already eyeing the 50 overs World Cup 2027, hoping to regain a permanent place in the UAE's ODI team and help them get qualify for one-day crickets. flagship event.

I have a big dream to play in the 2027 ODI World Cup and score a match-winning hundred, Rizwan, who scored a match-winning ODI hundred against the Ireland Test team in 2021, told Khaleej Times.

Rizwan became a cricketing hero in Thalassery, his hometown in Kerala, India, after his ODI hundred against Ireland in 2021.

But Rizwan will be 39 when the 2027 World Cup begins in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia.

The years that followed, however, failed to break his spirit as he drew inspiration from some of the most iconic cricketers the game has ever seen.

My goals are big and when your goals are big, the obstacles will also be bigger, he said.

But I still believe it's about performance, not age. If you look back, Imran Khan's best performance came at the age of 42 when he won the 1992 World Cup (as captain of Pakistan). Sachin Tendulkar was 37 when he won the World Cup in 2011.

UAE's CP Rizwan plays a shot during the ICC T20 World Cup 2022 match against Namibia at Kardinia Park in Geelong, Australia. AFP file

So you will see many great cricketers who have defied age to perform at a high level. Of course, I am always willing to give opportunities to young people, but when it comes to performances, age should not be a factor.

No job

Losing his place in the UAE team had a significant impact on his life as Rizwan lost his contract with the Emirates Cricket Board.

It’s been tough and tough not being part of the team. Family support was crucial. Now I am back in the ODI team. But even when I was not in the team, I continued to work hard and score points, he said.

A qualified engineer, Rizwan opened a new cricket academy, Set Go Cricket, in Dubai.

At the moment, I don't have a contract, I don't have a job. I hope the cricket academy will help me achieve financial stability, he said.

Having a regular income is important. I always believe that if you continue to do the right things, things will fall into place.

Apart from the support of his family, Rizwan says he owes a lot to Khalaf Bukhatir, CEO of Sharjah Cricket Stadium.

I would like to thank Mr. Khalaf Bukhatir for allowing me to play for Sharjah in Emirates D50, which helped me make a comeback to the UAE team, he said.

Muhammed Haider, owner of the Seven Districts team, was also one of my biggest supporters. I owe a lot to these great people who always support good cricketers.

Work ethic

Rizwan, who has played 60 international matches since his debut, said UAE head coach Lalchand Rajput was impressed with his commitment to the sport.

He was very happy with my work ethic, it was very good to hear these words from an experienced coach like him. It gave me the motivation to work even harder, he said.

With the dream of playing in his first ODI World Cup, Rizwan has now reached the UK to gain new experience in cricket.

Rizwan is ready for league cricket in England

I play my first match this Saturday. “It’s going to be a new experience for me as a cricketer to play in England,” he said.

I will play T20 and 50 overs formats, it will be a challenge to play in different conditions. But I am very excited and hope this will help me improve as a cricketer.





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