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French cosmetics sector counts on Xi Jinping's visit to ease Chinese import rules – Republic World

French cosmetics sector counts on Xi Jinping's visit to ease Chinese import rules – Republic World


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French cosmetics industry | Image: Unsplash

French cosmetics industry: As President Xi Jinping prepares for his first visit to Europe in five years, the French cosmetics industry is looking forward to talks between Xi and French President Emmanuel Macron to ease the impact of China's tough new regulations on imports . These regulations require the sharing of formulas and manufacturing know-how, posing a challenge to French companies operating in China.

Amid growing trade tensions, particularly in sectors such as electric vehicles and green energy, talks planned in Paris next week could offer a glimmer of hope for the cosmetics sector. Emmanuel Macron's office highlighted the importance of cosmetics on the agenda, with the aim of finding a balance that preserves the interests of French companies.

France, recognized as the world's leading exporter of cosmetics, faces important challenges in this dialogue. With nearly 2 billion euros ($2.15 billion) worth of makeup and skincare products exported to China last year, cosmetics ranks second, behind aerospace products, in China's portfolio. exports from France.

The imminent implementation of new Chinese security regulations, planned for next year, poses a direct threat to this vital trade relationship. From May 2025, cosmetics exporters will be required to disclose the complex details of their manufacturing processes to Chinese authorities and allow inspections by Chinese authorities at their facilities. There are significant concerns about the potential loss of control over intellectual property under these regulations.

However, negotiations between France and China over the past year have given rise to a potential solution. French authorities are proposing to take responsibility for ensuring the safety of certain exports without requiring Chinese inspections. In exchange, France would extend similar measures to China, even if the specific areas covered remain unclear.

Emmanuel Guichard, secretary general of the French Federation of the Cosmetic Industry (FEBEA), says this reciprocity would respect the highest safety standards for Chinese consumers. In particular, key players in the French cosmetics landscape, including L'Oréal, LVMH and Coty, are represented by FEBEA.

Under the proposed agreement, the DGCCRF (French Consumer Surveillance and Anti-Fraud Agency) would oversee the security compliance of designated French manufacturers eligible for “white list” status. The agency has already started discussions with China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) on the certification of French cosmetics for export to China, marking an important step towards formalizing the agreement in upcoming negotiations Xi-Macron.

Although responses from the Élysée, the DGCCRF and the NMPA were not immediately available, the impending discussions hold out the promise of easing the regulatory burden faced by French cosmetics exporters who are venture into the Chinese market.

(With contributions from Reuters.)




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