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“PM Modi’s photo removed from (Covid) vaccine certificate as he received Rs 52 cr donation from vaccine company,” accuses Priyanka Gandhi

“PM Modi’s photo removed from (Covid) vaccine certificate as he received Rs 52 cr donation from vaccine company,” accuses Priyanka Gandhi


Hello readers! Prime Minister Modi, during an election rally in UP's Basti, called the SP and Congress “sympathizers of Pakistan” while alleging that they were “intimidating India”. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on Wednesday slammed the BJP, saying the saffron party is using the Swati Maliwal alleged assault case “to deviate from important issues”. Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri condemned Opposition leaders' statements on Maliwal's “aggression” and said “those who say this is not an important issue should be ashamed of themselves.” 'themselves “. The BJP expelled Bhojpuri singer Pawan Singh for contesting the Lok Sabha elections against the official NDA candidate, as an independent candidate. AAP leader Atishi said the BJP had hatched a conspiracy with the Haryana government and stopped the flow of water in the national capital to disrupt the people of Delhi during the elections. Atishi said the people of Delhi had decided to give all 7 seats to AAP. Much is waiting for June 4, the date of the counting of the current general elections. Follow all election updates with DH.

Last update : May 22, 2024, 09:24 EAST

Last update : May 22, 2024, 09:24 EAST

Strong points

09:00May 22, 2024

Priyanka Gandhi points out that PM Modi's photo was removed from Covid vaccine certificates, accuses 'many healthy people died after taking Covid vaccines'

08:30May 22, 2024

After the elections, Rahul Gandhi will have to do the “Congress Dhundho Yatra”, and Mallikarjun Kharge will work as the coordinator of this yatra: Tejasvi Surya in Jharkhand

08:05May 22, 2024

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made India's Jawans workers: Rahul Gandhi

08:00May 22, 2024

PM Modi calls Congress, SP 'Pakistan sympathizers', alleges 'adversary is intimidating India'

07:17May 22, 2024

Mamata Banerjee compromises national security in the name of vote bank: Union Home Minister Amit Shah

03:00May 22, 2024

YSRCP MLA Ramakrishna Reddy was caught on camera damaging an EVM in Macherla assembly constituency during the May 13 elections.

“We are currently in the Mandi Lok Sabha constituency. The environment is one-sided in favor of the Congress…Vikramaditya will win by a huge margin,” said Congress leader Sachin Pilot in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Devendra Fadnavis criticizes Rahul Gandhi for the latter's statement on the Pune car accident that left two dead

A day after Congress leader Rahul Gandhi questioned why preferential treatment was given to the 17-year-old son of businessman Vishal Agarwal who crushed and killed two people under the wheels of a car luxury, the BJP hit back with the deputy leader. Minister Devendra Fadnavis said the Wayanad MP may not have been aware of the action taken by the government and the police.

Priyanka Gandhi points out that PM Modi's photo was removed from Covid vaccine certificates, accuses 'many healthy people died after taking Covid vaccines'

Addressing an election rally in Jharkhand's Godda, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi claimed that “several healthy people died after they were asked to get Covid vaccine”.

Priyanka accused: “Did you all get the (Covid) vaccine? I got it too, but I didn't want to get it. It has now been revealed that there is something in this vaccine that causes a reaction. Several young, healthy people have died Lawsuits have been filed in foreign countries against the vaccine (manufacturing) company Do you remember that PM Modi's photo was on the vaccine certificate, it has now. was removed because Modiji received a donation of Rs 52 crore from the vaccine company.

South mein BJP Saaf, Uttar, Pashchim and Uttar Bharat mein BJP half: Congress leader Jairam Ramesh

Congress General Secretary (Communication) said, “Polling on 428 seats has been completed, 115 seats remain. But it was clear in the first two phases: “South mein BJP Saaf, Uttar, Pashchim aur Uttar Bharat mein BJP half”. “…The INDIA Alliance will get a clear majority on June 4…It is clear from the Prime Minister's speeches and body language that he is nervous…”

“Also today the 'Modani' scam was exposed. We will form a JPC within a month… INDIA Alliance Prime Minister will be appointed within a day or two (after the results).After this we form a JPC The Prime Minister himself said that Ambani and Adani are sending money at a brisk pace, where is the black money coming from even after demonetization in 2016?. .. One industrialist who has benefited from this over the last 10 years is Gautam Adani…”

The Congress had implemented MGNREGA in villages. Similarly, we will take MGNREGA to cities as well. In cities, you will be entitled to 100 days of work: Priyanka Gandhi (PTI)

“You may remember that Prime Minister Modi gave a speech against MGNREGA in Parliament, he wanted to close MGNREGA. Then they came to know that people would not like that. Later, throughout his tenure, it has slowly weakened MGNREGA,” Priyanka Gandhi said while addressing an election rally in Jharkhand.

Published May 22, 2024, 2:50 a.m. EAST




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