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The Ultimate Trump Relationship You Won't See in The Apprentice

The Ultimate Trump Relationship You Won't See in The Apprentice


The new biopic The Apprentice received an eight-minute standing ovation at Cannes and is generating considerable attention and threats of legal action for its attempt to depict how Donald Trump became, well, Donald Trump.

But the tutelage of a young Trump by evil political fixer Roy Cohn, who director Ali Abassi says is at the heart of this origin story, only deepens the mystery of our current electoral reality.

Cohn's win-at-all-costs strategy ultimately led him to disaster. He was eventually disbarred and continued to deny his sexuality even as he died of AIDS.

On Trump's side, his mentor's approach to maneuvering and dealing led him to file for bankruptcy six times. The Washington Post estimates that he accumulated some $1.8 billion in debt while living at the top of a 58-story tower while telling everyone he was 68.

He sought to foster an illusion of success with the ghost-written book, The Art of the Deal, but the truth became increasingly evident. He was on the verge of becoming a joke in 2002, when he met Mark Burnett, a reality TV producer who was planning a corporate version of his mega-hit, Survivor.

The result was the television show The Apprentice. And it is Trump’s connection to Burnett, not Cohn, that has brought us to where we are today.

By editing hundreds of hours of raw footage for each episode, Burnetts' team crafted what we call reality TV. The show was a great success, and millions of viewers came to see Trump as someone who had come close to failure, but fought his way back to the top.

I was in serious trouble, Trump says at the start of the pilot episode. I was billions of dollars in debt. But I fought back and won the big league.

As the New Yorker reports, Burnett's team generally chose the candidates and decided the outcomes. Trump's most significant contribution was improvising what became his famous line to the losing candidate at the end of each episode: You're fired!

The Apprentice was later joined by Celebrity Apprentice. The audience for both shows gradually declined over time, but the illusion of Trump as a fabulously successful businessman living in splendor persisted. And even though he wasn't actually a legitimate billionaire, he continued to rake in millions from TV shows where he pretended to be one.

By 2015, Trump had acquired enough regal self-esteem to take his now-famous descent of the escalator in Trump Tower to formally announce that he was running for president.

The news crews filmed an actual reality, without Burnett's editors who were on hand to edit out bigoted and sexist remarks made by Trump during the filming of The Apprentice. No one was there to sanitize Trump when he declared his candidacy and he at one point called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. Then it was NBC that said you were fired! and canceled the show.

But the fiction concocted by Trump and Burnett had taken on a life of its own. What had been a television audience has become the core of a growing base that views even Trump's most offensive remarks as proof that he could do and say whatever he wanted.

Among those who have challenged that notion in recent days is New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, who is presiding over Trump's secret trial. Merchan imposed a silence barring Trump from verbally attacking people connected to the matter, something the former president repeatedly violated. One exception, however: the judge himself, whom Trump continues to denounce as a corrupt thug.

Merchan made it clear that while he was reluctant to imprison a former president, he was prepared to do so if Trump persisted in violating the order. Incarceration is apparently something Trump fears.

Trump instead saw many supporters attending the trial and denouncing it as a grave injustice. Among the proxies was House Speaker Mike Johnson, who revealed that he and his teenage son were accountability partners who checked each other's phones and computers for anything improper. Such is the power of Trump's base that Johnson stood outside the Manhattan courthouse and lamented the prosecution of Trump for allegedly paying a porn star.

I wanted to be here myself and speak out against what is a travesty of justice, Johnson said.

Others who appeared at the trial included a host of vice presidential candidates, including Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida.

Unlike Burnetts' team, Trump will likely choose among these contenders himself.

Meanwhile, it appears that whatever his choice, and whatever the verdict in the financial silence case, TV-born reality could see Trump return to the White House.

And if that happens, we can't just blame Burnett and Trump. The fault is also in us.

There might be a movie in there.




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