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Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Don't put all your eggs in one basket


JAKARTA – After Bobby Nasution chose the Gerindra Party as his next port, the President's political strategy Joko Widodo another enigma. The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) is seen as having the least potential for Jokowi and his eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Bobby's decision to finally land in Gerindra was not without reason. Jokowi's son-in-law needs a vehicle to achieve his goal of running in the 2024 North Sumatra governorship elections, which will take place on November 27.

After no longer being recognized by PDIP, Bobby's first political party, his proximity to Golkar is also a dilemma. It is believed that the party with the banyan tree symbol will nominate Musa Rajeksah, who currently has the status of Chairman of the Golkar Party of North Sumatra DPD and Deputy Governor of North Sumatra for 2018-2023.

Bobby Nasution has decided to join the Gerindra Party and run for governor of North Sumatra in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections (X/@bobbynasution_).

The 32-year-old's decision to land in Gerindra was therefore deemed appropriate. Additionally, Bobby also admitted that he received the blessing of his father-in-law, Jokowi.

“Yes, of course as parents (approval). As children, we definitely ask our parents for permission,” Bobby said on Monday (20/5/2024).

Not a single ship in Gerindra

Meanwhile, Bobby determined the next port, different from Jokowi and Gibran. The party that will host the two is still a secret until now.

Golkar, Gerindra and PSI (PSI) are reportedly ready to provide the red carpet for Jokowi and Gibran. But so far there is still no certainty about the next party. Staying with the PDIP seems almost impossible, even if it is not completely closed. Jokowi is considered to have left the PDIP after supporting Prabowo-Gibran in the presidential election.

Nusantara PolComm SRC Institute Executive Director Andriadi Achmad predicts that Jokowi will not be in the same boat as his son-in-law in Gerindra.

“The most realistic political step for Jokowi and Gibran is PSI, even if several political parties roll out the red carpet for Jokowi and Gibran, such as Golkar, PAN or Gerindra and other political parties,” Andriadi said when he was contacted. BUTTER.

“There, Kaesang Pangarep had already joined the PSI as general president,” he added.

Amid a flurry of public questions about the possibility of switching parties, Jokowi appeared friendly with PDIP Central Leadership Council Chairman Puan Maharani. The second meeting took place on the stage of the High Level Conference (KTT). World Water Forum 10th at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park (GWK) Bali, Sunday (19/5/2024).

Puan came to the event as chairman of the DPR RI and representative of the president. International Parliamentary Union (UIP). Jokowi and Puan looked familiar and exchanged brief greetings.

This meeting was later seen as a sign of a thawing of tensions between Jokowi and the PDIP after the breakdown of the partnership before the 2024 presidential election. However, according to Andriadi, this meeting was not a sign of reconciliation.

“Jokowi met Puan at World Water Forum in Bali on official state activities in his capacity as President of the Republic of Indonesia and Chairman of the DPR RI. “Therefore, it is not yet certain whether relations between Jokowi and PDIP will thaw after this meeting,” said Professor FISIP at Al-Azhar University of Indonesia.

Need a big house

Jokowi's political maneuverings since the run-up to the 2024 presidential election have surprised many people. Towards the end of his reign, this man from Solo tried to stay there. Jokowi is considered good at handling everything.

Bobby's decision to join Gerindra is also believed to be part of the Jokowi family's political machinations. For this reason, it is not certain whether Jokowi and Gibran will follow in the footsteps of Kahiyang Ayu's husband after they are no longer considered by the PDIP.

In fact, Jokowi's instinct not to put “all his eggs in one basket” could potentially be put into action, according to political observer Ujang Komarudin, in order to avoid division.

“There could also be some in Gerindra, some in Golkar, others in PSI. because in politics there is a term don't put all your eggs in one basket, For what? “Because if one of them breaks, all the eggs will break,” Ujang said, as quoted by Kompas.

Still according to Ujang, Jokowi definitely needs a big party, just like Gibran, known to be the vice president-elect for the 2024-2029 period. It is therefore almost impossible for them to choose to anchor at PSI.

President Joko Widodo shakes hands with IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) Presidential Representative Puan Maharani before the 10th World Water Forum 2024 Welcome Dinner at Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park, Badung, Bali, Sunday ( 19/5/2024). (ANTARA/World Water Forum 2024 Media Center/Nova Wahyudi/aww)

In addition to placing Kaesang Pangarep there, PSI also did not qualify for Senayan. Jokowi needs a big house to look for backup policy.

“So it was divided into PSI, Golkar and others. “If politicians are that reliable,” Ujang continued.

Nevertheless, says Ujang, measures Joko Widodo will depend on itself, especially since the political dynamics of the country are still evolving.

“We will just have to wait because this is politics, the momentum is too fast and the choice is also up to Jokowi. Will he join the party, will Prabowo give him a special position, will he get- Is there a special mission from Prabowo? We will just have to wait,” he concluded.




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