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Top Republicans are already rushing to buy into Trump's 2024 election fraud narrative

Top Republicans are already rushing to buy into Trump's 2024 election fraud narrative


Washington CNN —

Top Republicans are already rushing to buy into a new narrative of 2024 election fraud seeded by ex-President Donald Trump in their zeal to appease their party's presumptive nominee.

The party's top leaders are increasingly warning that they will only recognize the result of November's presidential vote if there is no fraud. But there is no indication that there will be irregularities in the elections. And their warnings come despite the fact that many Republican state legislatures have taken steps to strengthen voting rules based on Trump's lies about fraud in 2020.

The new Republican trend of casting doubt in advance on the integrity of the 2024 election was laid out Wednesday by Sen. Ted Cruz in an interview with CNN's Kaitlan Collins. The Texas lawmaker, who in 2016 sided with Trump despite the ex-president's insults toward his father and wife, falsely said the 2020 election was marred by fraud. Despite Trump's allegations of voting irregularities, several courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have rejected the former president's claims that he was cheated out of power. And William Barr, then Trump's attorney general, looked into his claims and decided there was no widespread fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election.

But Cruz told Collins that the question of whether he would accept the results of the 2024 election was ridiculous.

So you're asking, will you promise, no matter what, to agree that an election is legitimate no matter what?, and that would be an absurd thing to claim, Cruz said. We have a whole system of electoral law: people contest elections, elections are canceled, electoral fraud is proven. This happens all the time. Cruz, who objected to the results of the Arizona election, which Trump narrowly lost to Biden on January 6, 2021, then suggested there was significant fraud in 2020. And he suggested that the same thing could happen this year.

“If the Democrats win, I will accept the result, but I am not going to ignore the fraud no matter what,” Cruz said.

The equivocations by senior Republican officials appear motivated by fear of antagonizing Trump, the twice-impeached Republican Party leader who has the power to end a career in the party simply by turning on an individual lawmaker. This positioning looks a lot like laying the groundwork for questioning the fairness of the 2024 election if Trump loses in November. Undermining an election before it even takes place represents a serious threat to democracy.

The attempt to raise the specter of voter fraud this year is particularly corrosive because of the likelihood that the 2024 vote will be decided in a handful of key states by just thousands of ballots and raises the possibility of action prolonged legal action from the Trump camp that would tarnish yet another American election. Trump continues to falsely claim that Mike Pence had the constitutional authority to overturn the result of the 2020 election, and the former vice president has been widely ostracized within his party for upholding the Constitution and overseeing the certification of the Biden victory.

Cruz is just one of the latest senior party officials to try to avoid getting on Trump's bad side when asked whether he will accept the outcome of the 2024 election. Trump follows an interview Trump gave to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper earlier this month. If everything is honest, I will happily accept the results. I'm not changing that, Trump said. If not, you must fight for the rights of the country. His comments included the implicit threat that he would decide if he lost, as he did in 2020, that the election was not fair. Trump frequently claims that he did better in the popular vote four years ago than any incumbent president, creating a false argument that it was therefore impossible to lose to Biden, who received more votes.

The renewal of Trump's election denialism is worrying for several reasons. First, it reflects his 2020 pre-election turn, when he suggested the election might not be fair, which he then leaned on after losing to Biden with a widespread campaign that culminated with the mob attack by his supporters on the Capitol, designed to thwart the presidential election. the certification of Biden's victory. Trump often leaves the impression that any election he loses cannot, by definition, be legitimate. His false claims about voter fraud in 2020 are now believed by millions of Republican voters, despite the fact that he has been indicted twice in a federal case and in Georgia for his attempts to steal the election and stay in office. power.

Comments like Cruz's on Wednesday serve to create an expectation among some voters that the next election will not be fair, even though there is no indication that this election, or any other U.S. election, will be tainted by fraud, which historically , only occurred at very low levels.

The Texas senator is far from the only senior party official to buy into Trump's claims, a trend that shows Trump's unfettered power within the GOP. It also follows former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's announcement Wednesday that she would vote for Trump, even though she called him unhinged and unfit to serve in the Oval Office again during his primary campaign earlier this year. His decision appeared to be an attempt to maintain the viability of the Republican Party for any future presidential bid.

It seems like it should be easy for Republicans to simply declare that they will accept the outcome of the 2024 election and that modern-day U.S. presidential votes have not been tainted by fraud. But they can't do it.

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, whom Trump mentioned Thursday as a possible vice presidential candidate, said the same evening on CNN: “I will accept the results if it's done fairly and transparent”, raising doubts about the mail. -by voting.

Also on CNN Thursday night, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, who has also been mentioned as a possible Trump running mate, was asked if he would accept the results if Trump loses. If states and localities actually follow the rules and procedures and everyone sees that the rules are being followed, then of course you accept what's being done, Donalds said.

Earlier this week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who ran against Trump in 2016 but has since adopted Trumpian positions, was asked Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press whether he would accept the outcome of the election whatever let it happen. He responded: If it's an unfair election, I think it will be contested by one side or the other. He said Democrats had opposed every Republican victory since 2000 and added: If it's unfair, we're going to do the same thing the Democrats did, which is use lawyers to go to court. and highlight the fact that states do not track their own elections. laws.

Rubio's comment is misleading because, although some small groups of Democrats have claimed that the 2004 and 2016 elections were fraudulent, the Democratic candidates in each case quickly conceded to the Republicans, unlike Trump, who never conceded to have lost. The 2000 election was contested by Republicans and Democrats over a recount controversy in Florida, the key state. The Democratic candidate, then-Vice President Al Gore, eventually admitted, after the case was decided by the Supreme Court, a step that Trump never took as he sought to disrupt the American tradition of transfers peaceful power.

The idea that the 2024 election might not be free and fair was also raised recently by Ohio Sen. JD Vance, who is reportedly on Trump's shortlist as a potential vice presidential candidate. He told Dana Bash on CNN's State of the Union earlier this month that I fully intend to accept the 2024 results, while holding out the possibility that the election won't be fair if Trump loses.

I think Donald Trump will be (the winner). And if the election is free and fair, Dana, I think all Republicans will accept the results with enthusiasm. And, again, I think these results will show that Donald Trump was elected president and then re-elected president.

Vance argued that parties running for office should be prepared to pursue their cases if they believe there was voter fraud. But academic studies and multiple court cases have shown that presidential election fraud only occurs in isolated cases. That doesn't stop Republicans from demonstrating their loyalty to Trump by questioning the integrity of the 2024 election before it even takes place.

This story has been updated with additional developments.




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