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New Biden campaign ad frames Trump's re-election bid as a quest for revenge • Pennsylvania Capital-Star

New Biden campaign ad frames Trump's re-election bid as a quest for revenge • Pennsylvania Capital-Star


As presidential candidates prepare for next month's debate, President Joe Biden's re-election campaign is launching a new ad Friday focused on the aftermath of the 2020 election and featuring presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, as a candidate motivated by the desire to regain power.

First viewed by the Capital-Star before airing, the ad includes a voiceover from actor Robert DeNiro, with footage of Trump during his presidency and after his defeat in November, up to the insurrection on the 6 January at the U.S. Capitol.

“From midnight tweets to drinking bleach to tear gassing citizens to setting up a photo op. We knew Trump was out of control when he was president,” the voiceover says. “Then he lost the 2020 election and collapsed.”

A screenshot of a new ad from the Biden campaign.

The new spot is part of the Biden campaign's $14 million ad buy for May and will air live on mainstream television in battleground states and on national cable. The ad will premiere on digital platforms in battleground states on Friday.

Donald Trump is obsessed with his own revenge and revenge, claiming there will be bloodshed if he loses and promising to be a dictator from day one if he wins, even calling for the repeal of the Constitution, Biden-Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement to the Capital-Star. “This ad presents the clear contrast voters will see a month from now when Trump stands on the debate stage alongside Joe Biden: Trump is running to take back power for himself, Joe Biden is running to serve you, you , the American people.

Biden and Trump are expected to face off in a debate in Atlanta on June 27, which will be broadcast on CNN without a studio audience present. Biden told the Commission on Presidential Debates that he would not accept the three-debate schedule established earlier by the nonpartisan organization, which has organized presidential debates since the 1980s. Under that schedule, the first debate would not would have taken place only on September 16.

Although Trump does not yet appear to have a significant campaign apparatus in Pennsylvania, the Biden campaign has opened two dozen offices across the state, including in “red” areas like York and Lancaster. Biden has made seven appearances in Pennsylvania this year, including a weeklong sweep of Scranton, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia the week before the April 23 primary.

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Trump has campaigned in Pennsylvania three times so far in 2024, including at a National Rifle Association event in Harrisburg, a surprise appearance at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia and a rally in the Lehigh Valley. On Thursday, Trump, who is on trial in New York for allegedly concealing hush money payments in 2016, held a rally in the Bronx, traditionally a Democratic stronghold.

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The Cook Political Report, a national ratings outlet, lists Pennsylvania as one of six states in contention in this cycle's presidential race. Its 19 electoral votes represent the most of any other state in that category. A Philadelphia Inquirer/New York Times/Siena College poll released May 13 found Biden trailing Trump in five of six battleground states, including Pennsylvania, where 47% of voters surveyed said they would choose Trump , and 44% said they would vote for Biden.

In 2020, Biden beat Trump in Pennsylvania by just over 80,000 votes.




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