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PMs stay in Mysuru: Hotel threatens legal action over non-payment of bills over `80 lakh

PMs stay in Mysuru: Hotel threatens legal action over non-payment of bills over `80 lakh


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his entourage stayed at the Radisson Blu Plaza during his visit to Mysore in April 2023.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his entourage stayed at the Radisson Blu Plaza during his visit to Mysore in April 2023. | Photo credit: MA SRIRAM

Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes photos during his visit to the Bandipur and Mudumalai tiger reserves in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu respectively in April 2023.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes photos during his visit to Bandipur and Mudumalai Tiger Reserves in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu respectively in April 2023. | Photo credit: Special arrangement

The hotel where Prime Minister Narendra Modi stayed during his visit to Mysuru in April 2023 has threatened legal action for non-payment of bills amounting to `80.6 lakh.

Mr. Modi was in Mysuru to inaugurate 50 years of the Project Tiger event organized by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF).

Support assured

It turns out that the State Forest Department was entrusted with organizing the event from April 9-11 at a cost of 3 crores and was assured of 100% central assistance. The program was conducted within a short time as per the instructions of senior officials of MoEF and NTCA and the total cost of the event was 6.33 crores.

Although 3 crores have been released by the Centre, the balance 3.33 crores are yet to be released despite exchange of communications between the State Forest Department and the MoEF.

A perusal of the letters between the MoEF and the NTCA indicates that the cost of the event was initially pegged at 3 crores, but as per the instructions given by the NTCA officials and the requirements of the Prime Minister's programme, some additional activities were included and therefore the event management company to which the program was subcontracted, submitted a revised quote and this was distributed to all managers during a video conference.

The State is asked to pay

The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) of Karnataka wrote to the Deputy Inspector General of NTCA, New Delhi on September 29, 2023 reminding him of the dues. But the NTCA responded on February 12, 2024 that the expenses related to the stay of the Prime Minister's entourage at the Radisson Blu Plaza in Mysuru should be reimbursed by the state government.

Subsequently, another letter dated March 22, 2024 was written by the current PCCF Subhash K. Malkhede reminding the NTCA of the dues including non-clearance of hotel bills of the Prime Ministers' stay at the Radisson Blu Plaza amounting to 80.6 lakh but there has been no response so far.

Meanwhile, the General Manager Finance of Radisson Blu Plaza wrote to Deputy Conservator of Forests Basavaraju on May 21, 2024, reminding him of non-payment of bills even 12 months after availing our hotel services.

Additional amount for delay

The letter states that despite constant follow-up and reminders, these invoices remain unpaid. It goes on to say that late payment interest of 18% per annum would be applicable on unpaid dues and this additional sum of 12.09 lakh (for deferred payment) should be included when the payment was affected.

The hotel management has threatened legal action if dues are not paid by June 1, 2024.

When contacted, Dr Basavaraju said the state government had rejected the directives of the centers to refund the amount on the grounds that it was a central government scheme.




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