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Xi highlights reform-led

Xi highlights reform-led


President Xi Jinping visits Rizhao Port on Wednesday to learn about the progress made in promoting the smart and green development of the port and expanding its opening in Rizhao, Shandong Province. JU PENG/XINHUA

President Xi Jinping has urged Shandong, China's second-largest province by population and a major economic powerhouse, to pursue high-quality, reform-oriented development and become “a high-level opening-up hub.” », as he concluded his speech. an inspection tour in the Eastern Province on Friday.

The three-day fact-finding trip took Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, to the cities of Rizhao and Jinan.

During his visit Wednesday afternoon to Rizhao Port, a national model for intelligent and sustainable bulk cargo handling, Xi affirmed the port's efforts to transform from a traditional port to a modern port by advancing the technological innovation in recent years.

Today, the port not only ranks among the top in terms of cargo throughput across the country, but has also gained valuable experience in modernizing and transforming traditional industries to foster new quality productive forces , did he declare.

Built after China launched reform and opening up in the late 1970s, Rizhao Port has become a vital global hub for transshipment of energy and bulk raw materials, with 76 berths operational and more than 80 national and international container transport routes.

Data shows that in the first quarter of this year, the port's cargo throughput increased by 6.7 percent year-on-year and container throughput by 15.3 percent year-on-year.

During his talks with staff working at the port, Xi encouraged them to continue working for greater progress in promoting the port's management and operations.

This is not the first time Xi has inspected a city with a port. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, he has visited major ports across the country, including Yangluo Container Port in Wuhan in 2013, Ningbo-Zhoushan Port in 2020, and a coal port area of ​​Huanghua Port in China. Hebei province last year.

During his visit to Tianjin Port in January 2019, Xi emphasized that the economy is the top priority in a country's development and that to achieve economic progress, the construction of transportation infrastructure, especially transportation maritime, was a priority.

Xin Ge, a researcher at the Institute of Public Policy and Governance at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, said in an online commentary that Xi's Rizhao inspection highlights his commitment to developing an economic sturdy port that supports a high-level opening. and the Belt and Road Initiative.

Speaking at a briefing on the work of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government in Jinan, the provincial capital, on Friday, Xi urged Shandong to actively build an international logistics corridor, promote coordinated innovation of its free trade zones and deeply integrate into high-quality cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road.

He also called on the coastal province to leverage its unique advantage in abundant marine resources and develop its maritime sector through efforts such as building world-class seaport clusters.

Xi said that as a major grain producer, Shandong bears an important responsibility in ensuring national food security. He said work should be done to boost the province's modern agriculture and high-level cropland development, thereby transforming it into a higher-level breadbasket.

In Rizhao, Xi also visited a coastal greenway, complete with viewing platforms, sports trails and rest areas for visitors, to learn about local ecological restoration efforts.

“The goal of China's modernization is to continually improve people's lives,” he said, calling for efforts to improve people's well-being by building a beautiful homeland.




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