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Pakistani Punjab govt approves registration of fresh cases against Imran Khan | Pakistan News

Pakistani Punjab govt approves registration of fresh cases against Imran Khan |  Pakistan News
Pakistani Punjab govt approves registration of fresh cases against Imran Khan |  Pakistan News


Pakistan's Punjab government has approved the registration of fresh cases against jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his partymen for inciting hatred against state institutions, particularly against the powerful Pakistani army.

The 71-year-old former cricketer-turned-politician has been in prison since August last year after being convicted in some of the nearly 200 cases handed down against him since his ouster in April 2022.

“Maryam Nawaz's Punjab cabinet has approved legal action against Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) founding chief Imran Khan and his other party leaders for constructing hate speech against the institutions of the “State,” Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari said at a press conference. after a council of ministers Friday evening.

The minister said Khan was trying to become Mujeebur Rehman (of Bangladesh). Mujeebur Rehman had successfully led the independence movement of Bangladesh against Pakistan. He became the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh in 1971.

Bokhari said those who meet Khan in Adiala Rawalpindi jail also follow him in spreading hatred against institutions.

The Punjab government is likely to fine Khan and his close associates for writing an article in a British newspaper on a journalist's complaint, she said.

Earlier this month, in an article in The Telegraph newspaper, Khan claimed that the military establishment, under the direct leadership of Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir, had tried every tactics to decimate his party's presence in Pakistan's political environment, but failed.

“The oppression, torture and denial of our electoral symbol have been extensively documented, but nothing has worked for the military and the powerless civilian leaders who act as their puppets. The general elections of February 8, 2024 in Pakistan showed the total failure of their design.

“In the absence of a single electoral symbol in a country where the vast majority of voters are guided by a party symbol, people came out and voted overwhelmingly for candidates supported by my party, the PTI, well that they presented themselves as “independents” with a multitude of diverse parties. symbols,” he wrote.

Khan further said that this democratic revenge of the people of Pakistan against the agenda of the military establishment was not only a national challenge by the people but also a complete rejection of the official state narrative of May 9, 2023, when PTI supporters were falsely accused – as a pretext for a crackdown – of attacks on military installations.

“Instead of accepting the people's mandate, the military establishment threw a tantrum and the election results were manipulated to bring the losers to power. The constitutional functioning of state institutions must be restored. The military establishment did everything it could against me. All they have to do now is murder me,” Khan said.

“I have publicly stated that if anything happens to me or my wife, General Asim Munir will be responsible. But I'm not afraid because my faith is strong. I would prefer death to slavery,” Khan added.




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