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Day 2 of the PDI-P national working meeting, Jokowi still in Yogyakarta, cycling with Jan Ethes…

Day 2 of the PDI-P national working meeting, Jokowi still in Yogyakarta, cycling with Jan Ethes…


JAKARTA, – President Joko Widodo is still active in Yogyakarta on the second day of the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) in Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday (5/25/2024) morning .

Jokowi started the morning by cycling with his grandson, Jan Ethes.

A statement from the Press, Media and Information Office of the Presidential Secretariat said Jokowi and Jan Ethes set off on bicycles from the Presidential Palace in Yogyakarta passing several points.

Jokwoi and his entourage took the road from Jalan Wijilan, Alun-Alun Kidul, Pasar Ngasem, Alun-Alun Utara, to the zero kilometer point.

The presence of the number one in Indonesia aroused the enthusiasm of the inhabitants.

Inez, a resident of Yogyakarta, also feels lucky because she rarely meets the president when she visits the city.

“I'm really happy because I've been living in Yogyakarta for a long time, but when you came here, I never met you,” said Inez, who happened to be exercising around from kilometer zero point.

Also read: PDI-P executives shout Jokowi's name, when Megawati asks the cause of the current state of the Constitutional Court

A group of friends from Jakarta, Devi, Uni and Ade, vacationing in Yogyakarta, expressed their gratitude for being able to meet the president.

“Thank God I was able to take a photo with President Jokowi. The first president I met. “We are very grateful and cannot imagine that we can meet here,” they said.

Meanwhile, Jokowi has been in Yogyakarta since the opening of the national working meeting last Friday.

The opening of the national working meeting was heated, especially when PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri delivered a speech.

PDI-P cadres shouted Jokowi's name when Megawati asked about the state of the Constitutional Court, which is now considered to be in decline.

Meanwhile, Jokowi was active at the Yogyakarta Palace while distributing basic necessities to residents.

Also read: Jokowi distributes basic foodstuffs in Yogyakarta during PDI-P national working meeting in Jakarta

The PDI-P did not invite Jokowi again because it considered its top cadres to be violating the constitution in the 2024 general elections (Pemilu).

This was stated by the chairman of the steering committee National working meeting of the PDI-P V Djarot Saiful Hidayat.

“If any of us party members violate the constitution, violate ethics and morals, then they are no longer part of the extended family of the PDI-P. Because this is in conflict, not only with the party statutes, but also with the state constitution, “said Djarot, Friday (24/5/2024).

“The PDI-P is an ideological party of which Ms. Megawati Soekarnoputri (as) general chairwoman always stands firmly to tell the truth, to implement the constitution and ideology,” he said.

For this reason, Djarot explained, the PDI-P only invited party executives. It is estimated that around 2,160 PDI-P executives will participate in this V National Working Meeting.

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