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PTI sounds alarm over Imrans security

PTI sounds alarm over Imrans security
PTI sounds alarm over Imrans security


Top PTI leaders on Friday raised alarm over the potential threat of assassination against the party's founding president and former prime minister, Imran Khan, who was currently lodged in Adiala jail in Rawalpindi.

The party also vowed to take legal action against the Capital Development Authority (CDA) for sealing its central secretariat.

Speaking at a press conference at the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa House in Islamabad a day after the party secretariat was sealed by the CDA for violating building regulations, PTI information secretary Raoof Hasan , Latif Khosa, Firdous Shamim Naqvi and Ali Muhammad Khan highlighted the “grave dangers” facing their leader.

Hasan said Imran had previously expressed concerns that his life was in danger, and now it seemed like it was becoming a reality.

“They used to remove and install prime ministers at will, but they orchestrated the drama of May 9. [2023] while things did not go as planned this time,” he added, making a veiled reference to “powerful circles.”

Hasan regretted that the PTI secretariat was “robbed last night”.

“Just a day before [Wednesday], a UN delegation was here and they attacked us. Even the UN vehicle was inspected,” he continued.

“Their hatred has not diminished. We have been living under state “fascism” for two years.”

The PTI chief said he could not accept the election results showing massive public support for Imran.

He added that despite all their tactics, the strength of the PTI founder president was only growing day by day. “They could neither dissuade [Imran] Khan sahib, nor his party.

Hasan argued that, as Imran had predicted, they would apparently resort to their last option – his assassination. Speaking on the occasion, Ali Muhammad termed the CDA's action against the PTI secretariat as an “attack” on democracy itself.

“They are closing the spaces where the largest political party can communicate. Last night's incident shows that their intolerance knows no bounds,” he said.

“When a political party's offices are closed, non-state actors have an opportunity. Is PTI ideology only in one building? No, it lies in our hearts.

Ali Muhammad pointed out that Imran, who once carried the flag of Pakistan around the world, was treated with contempt. “How long will this nation continue to sacrifice its leaders? Look at Dr. Yasmin Rashid, an 80-year-old cancer patient, bedridden. Do they think they can intimidate Raoof Hasan by attacking him? It did not work.

Ali Muhammad also criticized the government for not allowing him to meet the party's founding president. [Imran] wanted to go to the Supreme Court himself. An atomic state cannot provide security 40 minutes' drive from Adiala [Jail] to the Supreme Court?” he asked.

“What message is the Center giving by excluding Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister [PTI’s Ali Amin Gandapur] of the ITFC [Special Investment Facilitation Council] meeting ? » Khosa also condemned the targeting of PTI.

“I am an MP from Punjab and our office there has been sealed. The owner of the office has been arrested and will stand trial on May 9. This is blatant theft and theft under official control,” he said. “If they think they can break the spirit of the PTI, they are wrong.”

Khosa further criticized the “treatment” meted out to the judiciary.

“They attack the judiciary to put pressure on it. How can the President of the Senate allow such fiery speeches against the judiciary? he wondered.

Meanwhile, lawyer Gohar Ali Khan, president of PTI, said the party would take CDA to court over the “illegal” action against the party secretariat.

He was chairing a meeting of the party's central committee in a makeshift tent in the presence of its general secretary and leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, Ali Muhammad and Zain Qureshi, among other leaders.

Condemning the campaign to demolish the CDA, Gohar said that in a democracy, the central office of a political party was its “sacred” place.

He added that the PTI would file a case in the Islamabad High Court against the CDA for sealing and damaging its secretariat. On Thursday evening, the CDA demolished the alleged illegal constructions of the PTI secretariat with a large contingent of police present outside its premises and sealed the office. .




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