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INDIA seizes quotas to help those who vote for jihad (PM)

INDIA seizes quotas to help those who vote for jihad (PM)


Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha and LJP (Ram Vilas) leader Chirag Paswan at a public meeting for the Lok Sabha elections in Patna district on May 25 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha and LJP (Ram Vilas) leader Chirag Paswan at a public meeting for the Lok Sabha elections in Patna district on May 25 2024. | Photo credit: PTI

On the day of polling in eight seats in Bihar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 25 addressed three public meetings in Bihar, including one in Patliputra Lok Sabha constituency, and assured the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) that he would not let anyone grab his reservation share.

He also promised that everyone would benefit from free electricity in the country and criticized the leaders of the opposition bloc INDIA (Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance) for being known as communal, casteist and dynastic people.

Our Constitution states that no reservation can be given on the basis of religion, but the members of this INDI alliance have snatched the SC/ST/OBC reservation and given it to their vote bank which is doing so. vote for jihad, Mr. Modi said in his first public meeting held at Bikram in Patliputra Lok Sabha constituencywhere BJP leader and two-time sitting MP Ram Kripal Yadav takes on Misa Bharti, the eldest daughter of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad.

In West Bengal, 77 Muslim castes have benefited from OBC reservation in government jobs. The rights of OBC/EBC families have been taken away for the benefit of those who practice vote for jihad. If the INDI bloc wants to accept the servitude of its vote bank, it is free to do so if it wants to accomplish tasks.moujra(traditional Indian musical dance), they are free to do so, the Prime Minister added.

Read also | India General Elections 2024 Phase 6 Updates, May 25

But as long as Modi is alive, he will not let this happen, he asserted. This is the Modis guarantee. I will not let SC/ST/OBC reservation be snatched away from us. As for Modi, the Constitution comes first, he said.

These allies Congress, RJD and INDI have committed a big betrayal against the people of SC/ST and OBC, he added. They committed theft from their reservation quota, Mr. Modi alleged by taking some names of castes belonging to these categories.

Later, reacting to the Prime Minister's comments, RJD leader and Rajya Sabha member Manoj Jha said he was worried about what Mr Modi had said in the public meeting. I'm worried about him now. Until yesterday we didn't agree with him, but now we were worried about him. I had recently said that he (Modi) was becoming a victim of delusions of grandeur. Machli (fish), sheep, mangalsutra (sacred thread) and now moujrais this the language of a MP? » asked Mr. Jha.

Attacking the leaders of the INDIA bloc, Mr. Modi said: They are known for three things. They are communal, casteist and dynastic. They think of their family first. Can such people do better for Bihar? » asked the Prime Minister. I gave birth to my mother… people live in me (our work is done and let people go…), Mr. Modi said while uttering a stock phrase from the dais and the gathered crowd responded in unison by completing the phrase.

Furthermore, Mr. Modi also assured that in the next five years, everyone, whether poor or rich, would get free electricity. Your electricity bill will be zero. For this we have introduced Prime Minister Suryaghar's free electricity scheme through solar electricity, he announced and the gathered crowd applauded. He added that for the solar panel, we have started giving 75,000 euros to each household and that all you need to do is register online.

The Prime Minister also congratulated Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for the development of the state. The Nitish Kumar-led NDA government brought development to Bihar, but we need to do more development in the state in the next five years.

This election is about choosing the Prime Minister of the country, Mr. Modi said and asked: India needs a Prime Minister like ?, and he himself replied: India needs a strong Prime Minister who can maintain the pride of the country in the eyes of the world. [India needs such a PM who is strong and should put Indias might before the world with full turbo power]).

Slamming the RJD, Mr. Modi said: We are in the age of LED bulbs and why do we need lanterns (party symbol of RJD) which spread light only in a house (obliquely referring to family of Mr. Lalu Prasad) but spread darkness throughout Bihar.

Modi works hard 24/7 to viksit bharat (developed India) but on the other hand the leaders of the opposition INDI alliance have no work, some of them are in jail, some of them are outside, they are not indulging than abusing Modi day and night, he said.

Later, Mr. Modi also addressed public meetings in Karakat and Buxar constituencies where NDA candidate Upendra Kushwaha (Rashtriya Lok Morcha) and BJP candidate Mithilesh Tiwari are contesting elections against candidates from the Raja Ram Singh Grand Alliance (CPI-ML) and Sudhakar Singh (RJD). ) respectively.

These people should understand that their countdown to prison has begun. This is for those who participated in 'land-for-job' scams and did helicopter rounds, Mr. Modi said in an indirect reference to RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav at the Karakat rally.

He also criticized the Congress for frightening the people of the country for the last 70 years in the name of construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya and abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.




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