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Tory Peer downplays Tory defeat this summer

Tory Peer downplays Tory defeat this summer


Richard Balfe, a Conservative member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, points out the striking similarities between the Conservatives and their rival, the Labor Party.

  • Tory Peer downplays Tory defeat this summer
    Richard Balfe, Conservative member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, seen in an official portrait. (British Parliament)

Lord Richard Balfe, a Conservative member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, said, as quoted by Sputnik that a possible Tory defeat in the mid-summer election would not have a significant impact on the UK.

He also suggested that the Conservatives and their Labor rival share many similarities.

“Not a lot [in terms of consequences]. We have what we call a democracy, but that means two fairly similar parties compete for power. I sit in the House of Lords and I see their very collusive relationship,” Balfe said.

The lawmaker further noted that conservatives would find it difficult to achieve victory after being in power for 14 years.

UK's Sunak says national elections will be held in second half

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced on May 22 that a national election would be held in the second half of this year.

“Spoiler alert: there is going to be a general election in the second half of this year,” Sunak told parliament.

Labor's Sadiq Khan won an unprecedented third term as London mayor on May 5, leading his party to victory in a series of municipal and local elections, dealing a blow to the ruling Conservatives as they approach early general elections.

Khan, 53, beat his Conservative opponent Susan Hall by 11 points, dashing the Conservatives' largely dim hopes of regaining control of the British capital from Labor for the first time since 2016.

In the West Midlands, Conservative Mayor Andy Street, vying for a third term, suffered an unexpected defeat by Labor's Richard Parker, causing a major setback for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Labor, which has been out of power since 2010 and suffered a heavy defeat to Boris Johnson's Conservatives in the last general election in 2019, also decisively won a parliamentary seat from the Conservatives.

In the May 2 election, Labor was tasked with defending almost 1,000 council seats, many of which were won in 2021, despite the party leading in national polls. However, the situation changed after Boris Johnson's fall from office as Prime Minister and the turbulent 49-day tenure of his successor, Liz Truss.

In the end, Labor lost almost half of the seats it defended and found itself in third place behind the small centrist opposition, the Liberal Democrats.

Labor scored significant victories in key mayoral races across England, including Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool and various contests in the Midlands.

Read more: Labour's historic victories put Sunak on a tightrope




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