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Donald Trump is apparently doing everything he can to stop The Apprentice movie from hitting theaters

Donald Trump is apparently doing everything he can to stop The Apprentice movie from hitting theaters


Warning: This article contains descriptions of sexual violence.

With The Apprentice almost finished, it seems that former US President Donald Trump is willing to do anything to prevent its theatrical release. While the film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, Trump's team tried to prevent its screening in American theaters.

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Per Variety, his lawyers sent a cease and desist letter to the filmmakers. The film, directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Gabriel Sherman, stars Sebastian Stan as Donald, Maria Bakalova as Ivana Trump and Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn.

THE APPRENTICE, from left: Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn, Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump, 2024. Mongrel Media / Courtesy Everett Collection.

The two-hour film follows Donald's rise to fame when he started his real estate business alongside attorney Roy Cohn, as well as his first marriage to Ivana Trump. The film also depicts his plastic surgeries, a scene where he rapes his first wife Ivana, abuse in many forms, and much more.

The cease and desist letter is the first time Donald has responded to this project, although it was first announced in 2018, per Variety.

In response to the letter, the producers said in a statement, according to Variety: “The film is a fair and balanced portrait of the former president. We want everyone to see it and then decide.

The film has already received positive reviews and already has distributors in Canada and Ireland, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Despite this, it seems that Donald's team is working hard to make sure the filmmakers don't find a distributor in the United States, and apparently, they are planning to sue over this rape scene.

Donald Trump with his first wife, Ivana. Photo by Tom Gates/File Photos/Getty Images.

Steven Cheung, communications director for the Trump campaign, said via People: “We will be taking legal action to address the blatantly false claims made by these fake filmmakers. This film is pure malicious smear, should not see the light of day, and does not even deserve a spot in the direct-to-DVD section of a discount bin. – be closed a discount cinema store. It belongs to a dumpster fire.

However, Ivana said he raped her in a fit of rage, but he denied it, according to Vice.

Before you go, click here to check out the biggest presidential scandals in U.S. history.

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