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Carrie Johnson shares adorable video of baby Frankie as they welcome new additions to the family

Carrie Johnson shares adorable video of baby Frankie as they welcome new additions to the family


Three children, two parents and… eight ducklings?Carrie Johnson's beautiful family is growing asthe duck eggs she received as a giftfrom a neighbor hatch.

Carrie, 36, shared updates via Instagram Stories about the adorable ducklings being born one after the other and getting used to the incubator that keeps them warm until they are ready to be taken out .

Romy watches the ducklings hatch©Instagram
Romy watches the ducklings hatch

The incubator was also a gift for Carrie's birthday last month, and the ducklings will be preparing for their first outing in the duck pond in Carrie and her husband Boris Johnson's garden.

So far there are eight newborns. The first four are called Rosa, Rainbow, Betty and Bobby, while the other four are still in the incubator, having been born in the last few hours.

WATCH: Baby Frankie loves nature

The former media representative and mother of three has kept fans updated with incredible videos, often capturing the ducklings' first moments. In one, she said: “A new life. Honestly, it's just amazing.”

When the first ducklings hatched in April, Carrie stayed up all night to make sure one of the weaker ducklings made it, following advice on feeding and warming the little chick. The eight new editions join three older ducklings that hatched earlier this year in a busy garden, that's for sure!

Baby Frankie is clearly already used to playing in the garden, as Carrie shared an adorable video of her youngest with two ducks.

The 10-month-old has beautiful curly blonde hair and wore the softest brown one-piece while sitting outside on the grass. The adorable baby just returned from a whirlwind trip to Los Angeles with mom Carrie. He is already a well-traveled child, living up to his middle name, Ulysses.

Romy has already bonded with her family's stuffed animals.©Instagram
Romy has already bonded with her family's stuffed animals.

Carrie and Boris's children also love the fluffy editions, because their eldest daughter Romy insisted on reading such a sweet bedtime story to the ducklings!

There's plenty of space for animal lovers and children at the grade II listed country estate, Brightwell Manor, which has a garden of just under five acres.

Carrie matched duck-themed outfits with pal Luisa Zisman©Instagram
Carrie matched duck-themed outfits with pal Luisa Zisman

Carrie captioned a post: “Just took the duckling born yesterday out of the incubator because he's all soft and fluffy now. Meet Betty.”

Carrie and Boris share three children together: Wilfred, four, Romy, two, and Frankie, born July 5, 2023.

The mom of three also shared this incredible doormat courtesy of Luisa©Instagram
The mom of three also shared this incredible doormat courtesy of Luisa

The couple married in an intimate ceremony in Westminster Cathedral in 2021 with just 30 guests in attendance.

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