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No wannabe dictators! : Donald Trump booed at the Libertarian convention | US elections 2024

No wannabe dictators!  : Donald Trump booed at the Libertarian convention |  US elections 2024


Donald Trump, the former US president, suffered the rare humiliation of being booed and heckled during a raucous speech at the Libertarian National Convention.

Takes on a rocky ride at a Washington hotel Saturday night, including screams of Bullshit! and Fuck You!, highlighted the challenge the Republican presidential candidate faces in broadening his appeal on both the left and right of the political spectrum.

The fact is, we shouldn't be fighting against each other, Trump argued. If Joe Biden returns, there will be no freedom for anyone in our country. Joining us in a partnership required that of the libertarians. We must work together. Combine with us. You must combine with us.

The call was launched like a lead balloon as delegates booed, jeered and shouted insults. This is a resounding reproach for a man accustomed to sectarian gatherings where his every word is cheered by an echo.

The Libertarian Party, which prioritizes small government and individual freedoms, typically wins 3 percent or less of the national vote, but its members could still prove crucial in swing states in November. Trump's clumsy attempt to woo them led him to berate them.

As he took the stage, he was confronted by libertarians, who have their own factional conflicts, shouting insults and decrying him for running up huge federal deficits and enriching pharmaceutical companies through the development of a coronavirus vaccine . A small core of die-hard Trump supporters, clad in Make America Great Again hats and T-shirts, chanted USA! UNITED STATES!. One person unfurled a Palestinian flag.

A Libertarian Party member shouts protests as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses the Libertarian National Convention in Washington. Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Amid this melee, Trump's call for Libertarians to vote for him or join his campaign was repeatedly rejected. Referring to the four criminal indictments against him, he joked: If I wasn't a libertarian before, I certainly am now.

The ex-president cited an article written by political commentator Deroy Murdock, saying libertarians should vote for Trump. The crowd erupted with boos and jeers again.

Trump replied: Only if you want to win. Only if you want to win. Maybe you don't want to win. Maybe you don't want to win. Only do this if you want to win. If you want to lose, don't do this. Continue to receive your 3% every four years.

Trump went on to say that libertarians should make him their presidential candidate or at least vote for him in the election. Again there were boos and cries of derision. He continued: Libertarians want to vote for me and most of them will because we need to get rid of the worst president in history and together we will do it.

The Republican promised that, if elected, he would put a libertarian in his cabinet and others in high positions. Once again, the crowd made their disagreement clear. Ever the salesman, Trump insisted: pretty good. It's quite big. But this time, the old tricks didn't work.

Once again, Trump blamed them for getting 3% in the previous election. Competing with chants, he said: No, you want to become winners, it's time to be winners. You have a lot of common sense.

Trump continued his speech, saying he had come to extend a hand of friendship in common opposition to Biden. This sparked a chant of “We want Trump!” » from the supporters, but still cries of “End the Fed!” » a common refrain from libertarians who oppose the Federal Reserve. A person holding up a sign reading No Budding Dictators! was taken away by security.

The ex-president claimed much of his record was libertarian, citing examples including tax cuts, cutting red tape, canceling and defunding federal diversity programs, equity and inclusion. He promised to appoint Libertarians to a task force to quickly review the cases of every political prisoner unjustly persecuted by Joe Biden's administration.

Trump said: As everyone knows, it will be my great honor to pardon the peaceful January 6 protesters, or as I often call them, the hostages. They are hostages. Never has a group of people been treated so harshly or unfairly in the history of our country. This abuse will be corrected and it will be corrected very quickly.

And if you vote for me on day one, I will commute Ross Ulbricht's sentence. The room, where many held up Free Ross signs, erupted with roars and whistles of approval. Ulbricht is the founder of Silk Road, an online marketplace for the sale of heroin, cocaine, LSD and other illegal drugs, who was sentenced in 2015 to life in prison.

With that, the tide had turned in Trump's favor and his gamble to address the convention seemed less disastrous than it first appeared. The crowd gradually became quieter and more united.

The ex-president has also been acclaimed for pledging to sign an executive order barring federal agencies from censoring free speech, introducing record tax cuts, opposing the Green New Deal and drilling oil and gas, ensuring the future of crypto and bitcoin currencies and defending religions. freedom and gun rights.

However, not everyone was won over. When Trump said, I want your support and again, you can either nominate us and put us in this position or give us your vote, a chorus of boos rose again.

Afterward, a delegate, who gave his name simply as Joe, said: He's full of shit.

Glen Lewis, chairman of the Libertarian Party of Mississippi, said, “It was a lot of politics. He came here to tell us to attract the votes of our people to him using the fear of Joe Biden's presidency. But real men and women vote for integrity.

Lewis, 54, a military veteran who served in Afghanistan, added: “I joined the group of Trump supporters who couldn't defend him by printing money. They couldn't defend it by giving immunity to pharmaceutical companies. They couldn't defend it without stopping the wars. I will do him good by not starting new ones, but he did not put an end to those that were there.

Michael Fitch, 35, a member of the Libertarian Party since 2012, said he appreciated Trump's courage in coming to the convention but had no plans to vote for him. Many people like Donald Trump because they think he's conservative, but that's not the case, he said. In fact, he increased the deficit by spending millions and millions of dollars.

He capitulated to the pharmaceutical regime. Obviously, his base, the Maga revolution, is very anti-containment, but it was Donald Trump who launched Operation Warp Speed. We can't let this guy get away with it: if we were to come after [Anthony] Fauci and Biden, Trump on the same list. He is just as complicit as the others. I don't think his base fully appreciates him and it's not Donald Trump who will tell him that.

Joe Gravagna, 77, a retired computer security worker from Westfield, Indiana, said he voted for the Libertarian candidate in 2020 but might consider Trump this time. I like his ideas on deregulation, disarming the justice system, and non-intervention. He's less of a hawk. I don't think he likes wars. Anyone worth their salt would not have left Afghanistan with $88 billion in weapons left behind.

Among the committed Republicans in the room was Brandi Bohannon, 37, of Gulf Shores, Alabama. She said: He's different. No wars. He is not paid by K Street. He is honest. He is fiery.

We have never had such an open border, 8 million people crossed it? These wars would never have happened under Trump. Russia would never have invaded Ukraine. Israel and Palestine would not have gone to war. Serbia and Bosnia look set to clash again. Such scary times.

Libertarians will choose their White House candidate at their convention, which ends Sunday. Trump's appearance also gave him an opportunity to court voters who might otherwise support independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who delivered his own speech at the Libertarian convention on Friday.




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