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Trump booed loudly at the Libertarian convention when he asked attendees to nominate me or at least vote for me

Trump booed loudly at the Libertarian convention when he asked attendees to nominate me or at least vote for me


Washington, DCCNN —

Former President Donald Trump was booed loudly and constantly throughout his speech Saturday at the Libertarian Party's national convention, particularly when he asked attendees to nominate me or at least vote for me.

The ruckus began the moment the former president took the stage, and some of his supporters in the room tried to drown out the boos with chants of “We want Trump.”

“Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together,” Trump said. Because Libertarians want to vote for me and it's very important because we have to get rid of the worst president in history.

Trump added: “Only do this if you want to win; If you want to lose, don't do this. Continue to receive your 3% every four years. (In 2016, Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson received more than 3 percent of the popular vote, a high point in party history.)

Trump left the stage after 34 minutes, marking one of his shortest campaign speeches to date. The Libertarian Party should choose its presidential candidate on Sunday.

Trump's stop at the Libertarian convention marked an unconventional event for a presumptive Republican nominee, but it illustrates his intensifying concerns about third-party candidates during his campaign. The Libertarian outreach follows weeks of intensifying attacks by Trump targeting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose high-profile independent bid for the White House is increasingly seen by the former president's advisers as a problem potential in an election expected to be decided by a narrow margin in a handful of states.

Kennedy addressed the convention Friday and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, attended Trump's speech and is scheduled to speak Sunday.

The scene inside the Washington Hilton was noisy at times, as Trump supporters and libertarians clashed. The Libertarian Party chairman took the stage before Trump's speech to tell the former president's supporters seated in the front rows to make room for Libertarian delegates.

I don't want to fight with people or beg and plead. Let's just make room for the delegates, because those are the people you're trying to persuade, right? You're already sold. Our delegates are not sold, and President Trump is here to try to sell them, Angela McArdle said.

“Those of you who are supporters of Donald Trump, I think what I would like to see tonight is for us all to get along and come to an agreement and find areas of agreement even if we don't let's not agree to vote for the same person,” she added.

Also before the speech, Secret Service agents confiscated rubber chickens that the super PAC aligned with Kennedy's presidential campaign had distributed to attendees.

No lighters, no water bottles, no noisy chickens, an officer shouted to attendees waiting to go through security.

Tony Lyons, co-chair of the pro-Kennedy super PAC American Values ​​2024, confirmed to CNN that the group handed out the rubber chickens at the convention on Saturday.

Libertarians in the crowd sometimes clashed with Trump supporters, and some audience members were escorted from the venue. A libertarian Trump critic was forced to leave after CNN saw him punch a Trump-supporting audience member. Several people at the front of the room turned their backs on Trump as he spoke.

One of Trump's few rows of loud applause Saturday came when he announced that if elected, he would commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the underground site Silk Road, which allowed users to buy and anonymously selling everything from drugs to hacking tutorials. Ulbricht was sentenced to life in prison in 2015 after being convicted on seven counts ranging from money laundering to drug trafficking, and many attendees at the Libertarian convention pleaded for his pardon.

Trump also received cheers when he announced he would name a libertarian to his cabinet and appoint libertarians to senior positions in his administration in a possible second term.

Before the speech, the Trump campaign said it expected to receive a hostile reception from some attendees. Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, now a Trump surrogate, received loud boos when he mentioned the former president in his convention speech Friday.

Do we know that this is not exactly his home base? Absolutely. There will be people who want him there and others who don't want him there but were offensive and vying for non-traditional votes in order to unite the country, the bearer told CNN -Trump campaign spokesperson Jason Miller.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden's campaign called Trump anti-freedom ahead of his speech.

Donald Trump says his Republican Party is the party of freedom, but tell that to the women who have had the freedom to make their own health care decisions and whose pregnancies have been monitored by the government, President Donald Trump said Saturday. Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz in a statement. .

Biden was also invited to speak at the convention but did not respond, McArdle told CNN earlier.

At a press conference immediately after Trump's speech, Libertarian presidential candidate Chase Oliver said he thought it was a mistake to invite Trump, but that he was proud that Libertarians had heckled the former president during his remarks.

I don't like having a war criminal on this scene. I don't think he deserves a place on that stage, Oliver said. While I think it was a mistake to invite Donald Trump, I'm glad he got a taste of what a true libertarian reception looks like.

Michael Rectenwald, another Libertarian presidential candidate, said he believed the party made some progress by inviting Trump to the convention, emphasizing the former president's pledge to commute Ulbricht's sentence.

We asked a candidate from a major political party to declare that he would release Ross Ulbricht, Rectenwald said at the press conference. We have moved the needle toward freedom.

Still, Rectenwald acknowledged that Trump's remarks were unlikely to persuade libertarians to vote for the former president.

There's no one in this Libertarian Party room who's likely to fall for Trump's bullshit, he said.

Trent Nestle, a Libertarian delegate from Tennessee, told CNN that Trump's promise to commute Ulbricht's sentence would not be enough to convince him to support the former president.

I want this to happen, Nestlé said. This will not change my vote in November.

CNN's Priscilla Alvarez contributed to this report.




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