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Jokowi spends family weekend at Borobudur Temple

Jokowi spends family weekend at Borobudur Temple


TEMPO.CO, JakartaPresident Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his family spent their weekend at Borobudur Temple in Magelang District, Central Java on Saturday.

President Jokowi, First Lady Iriana, their first son Gibran Rakabuming Raka and his wife Selvi Ananda, as well as their two grandchildren, Jan Ethes Srinarendra and La Lembah Manah, were seen at the Borobudur Temple.

The Head of State arrived at his destination at 10 a.m. local time, which attracted the attention of other visitors witnessing the beauty of one of the world's cultural heritage sites.

According to the written statement from the Presidential Secretariat, the president and his family were accompanied by a guide from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, named Heri Setiawan.

Setiawan, who accompanied the President and his family during the visit, spoke at length about the Borobudur temple and its sustainability.

President Jokowi requested information from Setiawan on the regulations applicable to visitors wishing to climb the temple.

“He gave a positive response regarding limiting the number of visitors because if visits are not restricted, it will accelerate the degradation of Borobudur temple,” Setiawan said.

During the visit, President Jokowi spoke to his grandchildren about history and the importance of preserving historical sites.

It was a learning experience for Jan Ethes, who sought answers from his grandfather about reliefs and stupas.

“It's a Buddhist temple, Ethes. What is Prambanan Temple then?” President Jokowi told Jan Ethes, according to Setiawan's account.

Alif and Tira, visitors from Makassar, felt lucky to have seen the president unexpectedly.

“It's really surprising. Earlier we saw that there was a group of officials, but it turned out that the car was the president's,” Alif said describing his surprise.


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