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What is Donald Trump’s “squeaky chicken” libertarian controversy?

What is Donald Trump’s “squeaky chicken” libertarian controversy?
What is Donald Trump’s “squeaky chicken” libertarian controversy?


Rubber, squeaky chickens were handed out this weekend at the Libertarian Party convention in Washington, D.C., to call on former President Trump to debate independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The rubber chickens, which bore the words “Debate Bobby,” were observed by several media outlets at the weekend convention, where Trump was greeted by a noisy crowd and a mix of boos and cheers.

Tony Lyons, co-chair of the pro-Kennedy super PAC American Values ​​2024, confirmed to CNN that the group distributed the rubber chickens to attendees on Saturday, and The Hill has contacted the super PAC and the Kennedy campaign for further comment .

In a video of Trump's speech on Saturday, the apparent silhouette of a rubber chicken could be seen held up by a member of the audience.

CNN reported that Secret Service agents confiscated some rubber chickens before Trump's speech.

Nate Herring, a spokesperson for the U.S. Secret Service, told The Hill that the agency often publishes a list of items banned from protected sites.

“While this list specifically identifies several items that are not permitted in secure areas, the list also includes a general prohibition of any item determined, in the officer's discretion, to be a potential safety hazard or disruptive to security. “event,” Herring wrote in a statement. statement.

Both Trump and Kennedy were speakers at the convention in an effort to build libertarian support ahead of November.

Earlier this month, Kennedy began calling on Trump to officially debate him at the convention, calling it “perfect neutral territory” for both presidential candidates.

“You yourself said you weren't afraid to debate me as long as my poll numbers were correct,” Kennedy wrote in a lengthy post on social platform X earlier this month. “Well, they are. In fact, I am the only presidential candidate in history to beat candidates from both major parties in head-to-head elections.”

Presidents Biden and Trump, who are their respective parties' presumptive nominees, have already agreed to two general election debates, from which Kennedy was excluded.

That could change if he reaches the debate threshold, which requires 15 percent support in four national polls and voting in enough states to hypothetically get 270 electoral votes.

Kennedy argued that being excluded from the two general election debates “undermines democracy”, writing: “Presidents Trump and Biden are colluding to lock America into a face-off that 70% say do not want. »

Trump said he would have “no problem” with Kennedy joining the presidential debate phase with Biden if he meets the threshold.

Neither Kennedy nor Trump's campaign immediately responded to The Hill's request for comment.

The environmental lawyer, who switched to an independent slate last fall after his failed bid in the Democratic primary, argued that the party's presumptive nominees were unfit to continue serving.

As he seeks to run evenly against Biden and Trump in elections in all 50 states, political strategists predict he likely only needs a few important states to create a “spoiler” effect.

Most national polls have recently suggested that Kennedy could hurt Biden's numbers more than Trump's in a hypothetical general election scenario.

Kennedy is still far behind Biden and Trump, receiving about 8.3 percent of the vote, compared to Trump with about 41.8 percent and Biden with 40.1 percent, according to a poll index by The Hill and Decision Desk HQ .

Kennedy spoke at the convention a day before Trump, launching a series of attacks against the former president over his administration's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updated at 5:27 p.m.

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