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Boris Johnson warns Paris Agreement will collapse without Cop26 success

Boris Johnson warns Paris Agreement will collapse without Cop26 success


Boris Johnson has issued a stark warning over the failure of the Cop26 climate change summit in Glasgow will mean that all efforts to reduce emissions will have failed.

On the eve of the gathering in Scotland, the Prime Minister said the Paris Agreement's goal six years ago of keeping global warming to 1.5°C depended on increased contributions from developed countries.

At the end of G20 summit in Rome he said some progress had been made, but the outcome of the Glasgow negotiations to deliver on these commitments remained up in the air.

He said: If Glasgow fails, then everything will fail.

The Paris agreement collapsed at the first judgment.

The world's only viable mechanism for dealing with climate change will be hidden below the waterline.

Right now, the Paris Agreement and the hope that comes with it are just a piece of paper.

Mr Johnson said they had made progress bit by bit in the Italian capital, but it remained to be seen whether they would make further progress over the next two weeks in Scotland.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson (fifth right) joins G20 leaders on a visit to the Trevi Fountain in Rome (Jeff J Mitchell/PA) (PA Wire)Prime Minister Boris Johnson (fifth right) joins G20 leaders on a visit to the Trevi Fountain in Rome (Jeff J Mitchell/PA) (PA Wire)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson (fifth right) joins G20 leaders on a visit to the Trevi Fountain in Rome (Jeff J Mitchell/PA) (PA Wire)

He particularly highlighted the inability of the final G20 communiqué to mention the gradual elimination of domestic coal consumption.

That's the really important question, he said.

The leader of the Conservative Party added: We had a reasonable G20, but there is still a lot to do.

The outcome of the G20 was that leaders agreed on carbon neutrality around mid-century, with attention now turning to the UN climate negotiations.

Politicians in Italy have also pledged to end public financing of coal-fired power generation abroad.

But the Prime Minister, who was due to travel to Glasgow for the climate conference after the press conference, said environmental promises made by major countries were starting to look hollow as he criticized the lack of action from partners of the G20.

The Prime Minister said Cop26's global warming targets were 'in play' after the G20 summit (Andrew Milligan/PA) (PA Wire)The Prime Minister said Cop26's global warming targets were 'in play' after the G20 summit (Andrew Milligan/PA) (PA Wire)

The Prime Minister said Cop26 targets on limiting global warming were at stake after the G20 summit (Andrew Milligan/PA) (PA Wire)

He told reporters he agreed with the suggestion that the goal of all G20 countries to have net carbon savings by or around mid-century was too vague, adding that he wanted those who committed to achieving it by 2060 to make those commitments sooner.

Mr Johnson added: “Only 12 G20 members have committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050 or earlier; barely half of us have submitted improved plans for how we will reduce carbon emissions since the Paris summit in 2015.

We have also failed to meet our commitments to provide $100 billion a year to help developing countries grow cleanly and sustainably.

Asked at the post-summit briefing whether the commitments made in Rome to prevent global warming above 1.5C were enough, Mr Johnson replied: I think 1.5 is a number very much in play.

Right now, let's have no doubt, we won't succeed and we must be honest with ourselves. So we must keep this hope alive.

Labor shadow business and energy secretary Ed Miliband said greater action was needed from world leaders in Glasgow.

The former opposition leader, in a statement posted on Twitter, said: “The G20 leaders' words are a small step forward, but we need a giant leap at Cop26.

We need to halve global emissions by 2030, not rely on vague three-decade plans.

Cop26 President Alok Sharma said: “The science is clear and G20 countries have responded by committing to consistent plans for net zero emissions by mid-century and improving their targets for 2030, in order to keep the 1.5 degrees within reach.

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