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Imran Khan acquitted in two cases linked to May 9 riots due to insufficient knowledge India TV

Imran Khan acquitted in two cases linked to May 9 riots due to insufficient knowledge India TV
Imran Khan acquitted in two cases linked to May 9 riots due to insufficient knowledge India TV


Image Source: AP (FILE) Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan

Islamabad: A district and sessions court in Islamabad on Thursday acquitted incarcerated former prime minister Imran Khan in two cases related to the May 9 riots, in which hundreds of supporters of the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) vandalized military installations after his latest arrest. year. The petition challenging the two cases was approved by Judicial Magistrate Umar Shabbir and Imran was acquitted for lack of sufficient evidence.

In its verdict, the court said: “Due to insufficient evidence presented by the prosecution, the PTI founder was acquitted.” This follows the former prime minister's acquittal in two cases linked to the May 15 riots. Cases have been registered against the PTI founder for long march and violation of section 144, according to Geo News.

Imran Khan currently remains behind bars in Adiala Prison in Rawalpindi, as he and several senior PTI leaders face various allegations in cases related to the violence that followed his arrest on May 9. The 71-year-old cricketer-turned-politician refused to apologise. for the May 9 riots, saying he was in detention at the time and was unaware of the protests.

What happened on May 9?

On May 9, supporters of Imran Khan's party vandalized more than 20 military installations and government buildings, including the Corps Commander's House in Lahore, the Mianwali Airbase and the ISI building in Faisalabad. The violent protests took place following Imran's arrest by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on corruption charges. He was later released on bail. Police have arrested more than 10,000 PTI workers and hundreds of them are currently on trial, including one under the Official Secrets Act. At least 10 people were killed.

Imran has been incarcerated in several cases related to the May 9 violence, but he has the allegations mentioned in the first information reports (FIR) of the cases. The former prime minister was accused of conspiracy and inciting violence and was even named in two terrorism cases. The riots reportedly led to a military-backed crackdown on the PTI, which was not allowed to directly participate in the general elections. The Shehbaz Sharif-led government decided to commemorate the day in solidarity with the martyrs and their families with the slogan: “May 9, never again.”

Shortly after the riots, civil and military leaders last year decided to observe May 9 as a national black day. PTI spokesperson Raoof Hasan claimed there was a crackdown on PTI supporters across the country, with dozens of arrests in different cities to scuttle their party. planned event.

What did the Pakistani army say during the May 9 riots?

Furthermore, the country's military establishment called on Thursday to bring to justice the organizers, perpetrators, accomplices and facilitators of the May 9 riots for the “collective good of the country”. The military said the stability of the country will remain hostage to the machinations of these elements without prompt and transparent justice to the guilty and the establishment of the rule of law, according to an official statement.

The Army further asserted that “politically motivated and acquired digital terrorism, unleashed by conspirators duly abetted by their foreign cohorts, against state institutions, is clearly aimed at attempting to cause despondency in the Pakistani nation, to sow discord between national institutions, particularly the armed forces. , and the people of Pakistan by peddling blatant lies, fake news and propaganda. »

On the first anniversary of the riots, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that there “absolutely cannot be any softening of what happened on May 9” last year and that “there There can be no absolution for those who orchestrated, supported and aided the attempt to damage the foundations of our nation.”

On the one hand, there are the great sons of the nation who shed their blood for their homeland, their great families and the patriotic public. On the other hand, there are those characters burning in the fire of hatred, who have no pain in their hearts for the interests of the State and who have no respect or nobility for national monuments, institutions of the state, the Constitution or the law, Shehbaz said.

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