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Imran Khan gives a tour of his self-designed home nestled amidst nature; Panoramic photos go viral

Imran Khan gives a tour of his self-designed home nestled amidst nature;  Panoramic photos go viral


Last updated: June 1, 2024, 8:55 p.m. IST

Imran recently gave a glimpse of his self-designed home

Imran Khan is gearing up to make his comeback to Bollywood after a break of nine years. He was last seen in 2015's Katti Batti alongside Kangana Ranaut.

Imran Khan recently took to his social media account to give a glimpse of his new home. The actor revealed that he designed his house himself, right from choosing the site as well as the interiors. In a lengthy Instagram post, he said he had been building the house for years.

Imran's note read: So one of the things I did over the last few years was build a house. Although I have played an architect in a few films, I can't claim to have any training or expertise, but I love tinkering and learning things!

I chose this site because it was unique. Uneven, flanked by two seasonal streams, backed by the foot of a cliff and facing the sunset. I knew right away that the landscape had to dictate the design of the house. The intention was not to build a lavish holiday villa, but rather to create something inspired by the landscape. The house is not meant to be a view, it is a shelter from which to admire the view.

He added: “I spent the first year visiting the site at different times to observe the sunrise and sunset, the flow of streams when it rained, and the changing foliage through the seasons. This gave me a holistic foundation from which I could revise and rework my sketches.

After consulting with my contractor and a structural engineer, I decided to forgo building concrete slabs and follow the classic method used to build houses in the surrounding villages: Stone plinth for the base, brick walls of single storey, steel roof beams and prefabricated insulated roof sheets. That's it.

On a final note, he shared: It took a while, and it's a little uneven around the edges, but it was a joyful process. And in the end, it cost me less than you would pay for one of the prefab villas I regularly see advertised throughout the area. I wonder where the markup goes.

Meanwhile, Imran Khan is gearing up to make his comeback to Bollywood after a nine-year hiatus, marking a significant moment in his career. Imran said, “I have these conversations with writers, directors and producers. I'm trying to find something that really sparks. I guess at this point, two stories have kind of resonated with me, which I'm developing with the directors, but they're not close to a full project yet. So, I don't have an actual film that I've signed or a series that I've signed that I'm involved in yet.

Imran Khan was last seen in 2015's Katti Batti alongside Kangana Ranaut.

Aditi GiriAditi Giri is the Senior Sub-Editor of Passionate about Bollywood, she loves interviewing B-Town celebrities and discovering their stories…Read more




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