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Donald Trump prepares his next crime

Donald Trump prepares his next crime


In 2016, Donald Trump appeared to draw a straight line, narrowly winning Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin while losing the popular vote by three million. We now know that Trump committed 34 crimes to win this election.

Without these crimes, he seems almost certain to have lost to Hillary Clinton. She would have been sworn in on January 20, 2017. She would have filled two vacancies in the Supreme Court and promulgated her legislative agenda.

Roe v. Wade would never have been overturned. The progress made under the Obama administration would have been continued. After a global pandemic, millions of people could still be alive.

As we reflect on the outcome of the New York trial, we should take time to recognize that history was tragically derailed by Trump's criminal conduct.

Trump continued his election crime spree in 2020. This time, much of it took place in the aftermath of an election he was surprised he didn't win. When his frivolous legal attacks failed to overturn the outcome of President Joe Biden's seven million vote victory, he resorted to fake voters, racketeering and insurrection.

Although the criminal trials in these cases have been delayed, the evidence is overwhelming. His defense in the Washington DC criminal case relies on a theory of presidential immunity that would allow presidents to assassinate their political opponents and stage coups.

Early in his candidacy, the media ignored his bravado that he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone without losing any voters. At the time, we were told to take Trump seriously, but not literally. History has shown that this was a mistake.

If Donald Trump succeeds, there will be no justice for him. He will become the autocrat he promises his supporters.

Career criminals rarely stop unless they are apprehended and punished. Narcissistic authoritarians thrive on abuse of power and violations of norms and laws. Sociopaths never develop a conscience.

The day after his criminal conviction in New York, Trump gave a rambling speech attacking the justice system and lying about the verdict, prosecutors and the judge. Buried in his remarks was this line: I am willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and to save our Constitution.

In an interview with Fox News, he warned that the public might not accept criminal punishment. He ominously predicted that at some point there would be a breaking point.

When Donald Trump says he will do whatever he has to do, he sees him as a threat. When he talks about breaking points, he threatens violence.

Trump has already told us that he will only accept the outcome of the 2024 election if he wins. He recently claimed to have won Minnesota in 2020. In fact, he lost by more than 200,000 votes. He says that absent fraud, he will win New York and New Jersey in 2024.

Trump is planning his next crime. We don't know the exact details yet, but we do know that it involves subverting the will of voters and undermining free and fair elections. And we know that he will spare nothing and no one who gets in his way.

Already, his campaign and its allies are suing states to reject election rules in order to sow chaos by rejecting the rules by which elections are conducted. They are suing to criminalize voter registration, increase the number of rejected ballots, and purge voters. Perhaps most frightening is that they claim a constitutional right to harass election officials and voters.

Most importantly, this fall, Trump and his allies will work to empower election deniers to refuse to certify election results. They tried this in a handful of places after the 2020 election. Today, they are much more organized. Democracy is in much greater danger.

This time, Trump will have more willing accomplices and more committed conspirators. Rather than a bunch of unsuitable lawyers and a handful of courtiers, this time he will have almost every Republican senator, congressman, governor and attorney general at his disposal. His army of grassroots supporters is more willing to take extreme measures, including violence.

Meanwhile, too many political and media elites insist that the threat is exaggerated. Over wine and expensive canapes, they denounce partisanship as the real evil. They are proud to see two sides where there is only one; shades of gray, where there is only black and white. They smugly ignore the possibility and consequences if they are wrong.

If Donald Trump succeeds, there will be no justice for him. He will become the autocrat he promises his supporters. The rule of law and democracy will be irreparably damaged.

Trump is planning his next crime. We must do everything possible to prevent it.




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