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Republicans ask the Supreme Court to rule against Donald Trump

Republicans ask the Supreme Court to rule against Donald Trump


A Republican group is spending $2 million on a multistate campaign urging the Supreme Court to reject Donald Trump's request for presidential immunity in association with ongoing federal criminal trials.

In April, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments from the legal team of the former president and presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee on whether a president is immune from criminal charges while he is still in the White House. Last week in Manhattan, Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying records relating to money paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels before his 2016 election victory. The charges in that case stemmed of actions before Trump – who has denied the affair and any wrongdoing – was in the Oval Office.

The complaint before the Supreme Court primarily concerns the ex-president's federal case led by special counsel Jack Smith, in which Trump was indicted on four counts of allegedly working to overturn the results of the 2020 elections, which led to the events of January 6. 2021, at the US Capitol. The former president has denied the accusations and says they are politically motivated.

On Friday, Republicans for the Rule of Law — a nonprofit organization established in 2019, around the time of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Trump's dealings with Russia — launched an awareness ad campaign educational that features testimony from 25 conservatives who argue that the High Court should reject Trump's claim of “absolute immunity” for the preservation of justice and the ban on special rules for sitting presidents.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a Turning Point PAC town hall at Dream City Church June 6, 2024, in Phoenix. A Republican group is investing millions in an ad campaign urging the Supreme… Former President Donald Trump speaks during a Turning Point PAC town hall at Dream City Church June 6, 2024, in Phoenix. A Republican group is investing millions in an ad campaign urging the Supreme Court to rule against Trump's efforts to immunize him from criminal charges. More from Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

“The unique thing about this campaign is that the testimonies are not very produced; just authentic and in people's own voices,” Tony Franquiz, the group's national spokesperson, told Newsweek by telephone Friday. “We believe the messenger is more important than the message.”

Newsweek reached out to the Trump campaign via email for comment.

The campaign runs June 7-23 across digital and streaming platforms, including YouTube and Hulu. It will be seen by residents of 12 states, some of which are key battlegrounds in the 2024 presidential election: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.

Even if possible swing states are involved, Franquiz said that's not the goal.

The domestic donor-funded campaign has a two-pronged approach. One is to focus on states where the immunity argument is “least available,” he said, referring to Alabama and Texas, where people could be more inclined to a “conservative media diet”.

The focus is also on states like Georgia and Pennsylvania, which were directly affected by the elections, hinting at questions about election integrity and vote recounts after the contentious 2020 elections.

Elections are more important than Trump

Kyle Sweetser, 35, a longtime Republican and construction worker from Mobile, Alabama, voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. He told Newsweek by phone Friday that he plans to vote for President Joe Biden for several reasons, including the rule of law and electoral integrity in addition to the fact that Trump, in his words, is getting closer to foreign adversaries.

His testimony is presented as part of the advertising campaign.

“Basically, I do everything I can to help [the cause against Trump]” said Sweetser, who voted for Nikki Haley in the GOP primary. “I help the Republicans against Trump in almost every way…I feel very strongly about it because of the brainwashing of people, or maybe that's too strong a term. This has transformed the Republican Party into something that is no longer the Republican Party. It's not American. »

Judy Bou Kheir, 65, of Texas, also considers herself a lifelong Republican and has been voting for more than 45 years.

She told Newsweek by phone Friday that she might be “one of the few” in the Longhorn State who opposes Trump because of the way he has approached the law and fomented opposition against some of the foundations of American democracy – admitting she was “shocked”. ” when Trump won in 2016 because he didn't represent traditional conservatism.

“It’s not the party I remember,” said Bou Kheir, who plans to vote for Biden. “I was alive when Richard Nixon was going through Watergate. There were Republican leaders who didn't accept him and who held him responsible.

“I thought January 6 would be the end… When it came time to eradicate Trump from the Republican Party and his ability to be re-nominated, they aligned themselves with the other Republican voters who were hanging on, lined up and weighed down with Trump. It's a shame we didn't have more people standing up like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney.

She also questioned how many conservatives could claim the 2020 election was rigged or illegitimate.

“If there was fraud in the 2020 election, why didn’t it affect other down-ballot elections?” she says. “That does not make sense.”

Jeff Klingler, a 65-year-old Republican from Antioch, California, told Newsweek via email that he voted for Trump in 2016 and switched to the Libertarian Party in 2020 as a protest vote. He plans to support Biden this time around.

This is due, he said, to the fact that the rule of law is the “common thread that unites every civilized society.”

“But they only work if everyone, especially elected officials, is held accountable for these laws,” Klingler said, accusing Trump of “arguing that it’s OK to undermine free and fair elections because presidents are above the law, immune from prosecution.” , irresponsible and can commit any selfish criminal actions he wants while in office.

“Trump and his allies call it 'presidential immunity.' I call it a dictatorship. And a dictatorship and a democracy are mutually exclusive forms of government. Clearly, Donald Trump wants to be a dictator,” he said.

Newsweek put the trio's comments on Trump's campaign.

Other conservatives expressed similar sentiments.

“There would be no consequences [if absolute immunity were granted]” Dolores, a conservative from Pennsylvania, said during her testimony. “The Supreme Court must confirm that a president is not immune from his crimes while in office.”

Another Virginia conservative, Kevin, said in testimony that if the Supreme Court granted Trump's request, it would amount to Trump being above the rule of law.

“This threatens the very foundations of our democratic Republic,” he said.

The Court also renewed pressure on some Americans to reject Trump's request, with Justice Samuel Alito among those making the decision.

Alito, who has indicated no intention to recuse himself, has been called by some to be disqualified from the case because of an overturned American flag, a symbol of the former president's “Stop the Steal” campaign, hung in front of his house. in the days leading up to Joe Biden's 2021 inauguration.

Republicans for the Rule of Law has reached millions and resonated with longtime Republicans as well as those who traditionally lean center-right and are more devoted to law and justice than true candidates or politics, Franquiz said.

People who were invited to participate were not asked about their political leanings, including their voting history or their intentions in November.

It was primarily about ideology and resisting attacks on institutions that aim to preserve the rule of law, which Franquiz called “dangerous and anti-conservative.”

“We hear that other people feel this way,” he said. “The feeling is widespread [even among those who didn’t participate and are alarmed]. There may be a breaking point, other breaking points. Everyone has their own story.”

A Trump victory in November could have major consequences, Sweetser suggested.

“This will weaken America,” he said. “This will weaken our image globally; we will not have the image we had. This will endanger democracy by allowing people to evade the law.

“Trump is a criminal sociopath…and sociopaths take advantage of our laws. He takes advantage of our system and ruins it,” he said.

Klingler's intention to vote for Biden would be the first time in his life he has voted for a Democrat. It's about the country, not Trump, he said.

“I’ve never voted for a Democrat for president, so it’s not easy for me,” he said. “But this election isn’t about being Republican or Democratic. It’s about being American first and preserving our democracy.

“Being an American always takes precedence over any political party.”

Updated 6/7/24, 1:14 p.m. ET: This story has been updated with comment from Kyle Sweetser.

Updated 6/7/24, 2:07 p.m. ET: This story has been updated with comments from Jody Bou Kheir and Jeff Klingler.

Uncommon Knowledge

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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