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Imran Khan takes responsibility for '1971 tweet' but denies knowledge of associated video

Imran Khan takes responsibility for '1971 tweet' but denies knowledge of associated video


ANI | Updated: June 8, 2024 at 1:15 p.m. IST

Islamabad [Pakistan], June 8 (ANI): Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has accepted responsibility for a controversial tweet comparing the current political landscape to the fall of Dhaka in 1971, however, he distanced himself from an accompanying video shared on his social media account, stating that he was unaware of its content, Dawn reported. The controversial post, released on Imran's social media platform on May 26, featured a montage accompanied by a quote attributed to Khan urging people to examine the Hamoodur Rahman Commission report to discern the real traitor between General Yahya Khan and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Speaking to reporters following a hearing at the accountability court at Adiala Prison, where he faces a £190 million corruption charge, Khan expressed remorse for his past references to Mujibur Rahman , admitting his inability to read the Hamoodur Rehman Commission. Report at the time, as reported by Dawn. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder said the report delineated two objectives: to avoid repetition of similar mistakes and to assign responsibility for the Dhaka debacle. He highlighted the commission's accusation against General Yahya Khan for orchestrating actions to retain power, comparing it to contemporary circumstances where the economy is on the verge of collapse. Attributing a staggering loss of PKR 1.1 trillion to the amendments to liability laws introduced by the opposition coalition, Khan highlighted the dire consequences for a nation already grappling with economic challenges. Regarding his acquittal in the Cypher case, Imran demanded an apology from the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for baseless allegations. Asked about possible negotiations with political factions, prompted by a suggestion from the Supreme Court, Khan rejected the idea, stating his preference for dialogue with real power players rather than intermediaries.

Responding to criticism over his earlier stance on references to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Hamoodur Rahman Commission report, Khan clarified that he had since familiarized himself with the report, leading to a change in perspective. Regarding the controversial video associated with the social media post, Khan expressed bewilderment, claiming his inability to view the video while incarcerated and therefore refraining from commenting. Meanwhile, during questioning by the FIA, Khan reiterated his commitment to cooperate, subject to the presence of legal representation, according to Dawn. Meanwhile, objections were raised during the corruption case hearing regarding the tenure of the presiding judge, necessitating further deliberations on the matter. Conversely, PTI leader Omar Ayub slammed the FIA's summons over Khan's tweet, denouncing the agency's director general and questioning his competence. Accusing the agency of overstepping its bounds, Ayub demanded a scrutiny of the FIA's conduct. Amid these developments, concerns have been raised over the treatment of incarcerated PTI members, including Khan's wife Bushra Bibi, Yasmin Rashid and Aliya Hamza, alleging violations of their human rights. Inadequate rights and facilities. Ali Muhammad Khan, another PTI stalwart, lamented the humiliation inflicted on the nation by the incarceration of its leaders, stressing the need for a befitting resolution to their plight, Dawn reported. (ANI)




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