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Jokowi and Iriana spend the weekend with their grandchildren visiting TMII

Jokowi and Iriana spend the weekend with their grandchildren visiting TMII


Saturday June 8, 2024 – 8:21 p.m. WIB

Jakarta President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Ms. Iriana took their two grandchildren, Jan Ethes Srinarendra and La Lembah Manah, to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta, on Saturday to enjoy the diversity of Indonesian culture.

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In a relaxed atmosphere, President Ms. Iriana and their two grandchildren who are the children of Jokowi's eldest son Gibran Rakabuming Raka arrived at around 1:40 p.m. WIB and immediately went fishing along the miniature lake archives of Indonesia.

Throughout the trip, President Jokowi's entourage and his family were treated to various collections of traditional houses included in the regional pavilion area, according to a statement from the Press Office of the Indonesian Presidential Secretariat.

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President Jokowi and his grandson, Jan Ethes Srinarendra board the TMI cable car

President Jokowi and his grandson, Jan Ethes Srinarendra board the TMI cable car

Photo :

  • ANTARA/HO-Press Office of the Secretariat of the President of the Republic of Indonesia

Earlier, we told you with Mr (the President) that here, out of 38 provinces, we have 33 regional platforms, then we have 17 museums and 17 leisure facilities. “During the trip, I explained one by one what Mr. Jokowi experienced, including the platforms and rides,” said Indah, the TMII tour guide who accompanied the president and his family.

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Besides the regional pavilion area, the president and his grandchildren were also interested in visiting the bird park, especially the Wallacea Sahul Park area and the Maleo Amphitheater.

Joyful and smiling expressions appeared on the faces of the President's two grandchildren when they met the different species of birds belonging to TMII.

Our own bird park has a total of 218 species and more than 2,000 birds. “And earlier you also admired the bird show a lot, there were eagles and other things,” Indah said.

After leaving the bird park, President Jokowi and his family then boarded the cable car to enjoy the beauty of Indonesian culture from above.

From above, the rows of miniature traditional houses and the miniature lake of the Indonesian archipelago can be seen more widely.

Not only President Jokowi and his family, the educational tours offered by TMII were also felt by the students of SDN Jatinegara 05 Pagi.

Satya, the accompanying student of this tour, was happy because the new face of TMII was more organized and the children could gain a lot of knowledge.

If I look at the previous one and the current one, it is better, more organized, thank God, the children are also happy, there is a lot of knowledge to be acquired. “I hope Taman Mini Indonesia Indah will be even better, can survive, can be more varied and really creative,” Satya said. (ANT/ANTARA)

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Our own bird park has a total of 218 species and more than 2,000 birds. “And earlier you also admired the bird show a lot, there were eagles and other things,” Indah said.

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