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Narendra Modi's oath-taking ceremony LIVE: No Anurag Thakur in PM's interaction video

Narendra Modi's oath-taking ceremony LIVE: No Anurag Thakur in PM's interaction video


Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi addresses a meeting with National Democratic Alliance (NDA) leaders at his residence in New Delhi on Sunday ahead of the inauguration ceremony of the new cabinet and council of ministers.

Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi addresses his New Delhi residence on Sunday during a meeting with National Democratic Alliance (NDA) leaders ahead of the swearing-in ceremony of the new cabinet and council of ministers.

Narendra Modi's swearing-in ceremony LIVE: Union minister and BJP leader Parshottam Rupala has been removed from the list of Cabinet ministers. Members of Parliament (MP) Among the Cabinet members likely to take oath are other BJP leaders like JP Nadda, Nitin Gadkari, Rajnath Singh, Piyush Goyal and Jyotiraditya Scindia. Moreover, HD Kumaraswamy JD(S) is likely to join the ministerial ranks. Other potential appointees include Chirag Paswan (LJP), Ram Nath Thakur JD (U) and Jitan Ram Manji (HAM). Besides, Jayant Chaudhary (RLD), Anupriya Patel (Apna Dal (Soneylal)), Rammohan Naidu (TDP) and Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani (TDP) are also expected to be part of the council. Shiv Sena's Pratap Rao Jadhav is also among those expected to take oath into the cabinet.…Learn more

All MPs who will be part of the Council of Ministers have been called to attend the tea program at the Prime Minister's residence in New Delhi at 11:30 am.

Narendra Modi will be sworn in today at 7:15 p.m. as the Prime Minister of India for the third consecutive term. He is the first leader since former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to be elected for a third consecutive term after serving the entire term of each previous term. Along with Narendra Modi, members of his council of ministers will also take oath today. Ahead of the evening ceremony, posters depicting the Prime Minister-designate were put up across Delhi.

President Droupadi Murmu will administer oath of office to Narendra Modi and his Council of Ministers at a ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan on Sunday evening.

These foreign chefs will be present today:

  • Prime Minister of Bhutan, Tshering Tobgay
  • Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu (Arrived)
  • Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda
  • Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh (Arrived)
  • Ahmed Afif, Vice-President of Seychelles (Arrived)
  • President of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe
  • Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth (Arrived)

How are the preparations going?

Around 1,100 traffic police personnel of Delhi Police were deployed and an advisory was issued to the public regarding traffic and route arrangements were made for the delegates as part of the arrangements made for the ceremony oath of office of Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi today.

More than 8,000 guests, including various cultural professionals and artists, will attend the inauguration ceremony. Besides the leaders and heads of state, more than 250 workers involved in the construction of the Parliament will also participate in the swearing-in ceremony.

Where to watch live?

President Murmu will administer the oath of office to Narendra Modi at 7:15 p.m. and the ceremony will be televised live across the country.

All major national news channels will broadcast Modi's swearing-in ceremony live on television and on their respective social media platforms on Sunday at the designated time. Additionally, public service television channel Doordarshan will provide live coverage of the event on its television channels and YouTube.

The swearing-in ceremony will also be available for live streaming on the President of India's YouTube channel and official X account.

Official number of seats won by NDA in LS polls

The official figures are: NDA-293, INDIA block-234, others-16. The BJP secured 240 seats, while the NDA collectively secured 293 of the 543 Lok Sabha seats.

The Congress, as a member of the INDIA bloc, managed to prevent the BJP from gaining a majority in the Lok Sabha on its own.




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