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Biden visits military cemetery in France that Trump once snubbed

Biden visits military cemetery in France that Trump once snubbed



There is trolling. And then there’s presidential trolling.

President Biden concluded a five-day visit to France on Sunday by making a point of visiting a cemetery for American soldiers killed during World War I. This is, of course, the sort of thing presidents usually do.

But this particular cemetery was the same one that President Donald J. Trump was supposed to visit in 2018 before canceling, citing rain, and sparking a political furor. For Mr. Biden, who is running against Mr. Trump, another visit to the cemetery was meant to send a message to his country's voters.

America has arrived, he said. America appeared.

Mr. Biden was talking about the U.S. military during World War I. But he might as well have been talking about Mr. Trump’s refusal to run six years ago.

Asked directly what he was trying to say about his rival in this year's presidential race, Mr. Biden paused for a moment.

Other questions? he said.

But the decision to visit the American cemetery of Aisne-Marne, at the foot of the hill where the Battle of Belleau Wood took place, is not by chance. Having already spent two days in Normandy to pay tribute to the American soldiers who landed on the beaches there on D-Day in 1944, Mr. Biden certainly had no need to add another event honoring veterans. But the opportunity was obviously too good to pass up.

Neither Mr. Biden nor Mr. Trump have ever served in the military, and both have had disagreements with generals as commander in chief. But Mr. Biden's son, Beau Biden, served in the military in Iraq and the president has expressed strong feelings of attachment to veterans. Mr. Trump, by contrast, has often disparaged those who have served, a point Mr. Biden wanted to draw attention to during his visit on Sunday.

Every time I come to a military site where veterans are buried, I am reminded of hearing my grandfather and mother talk about losing a son and a brother in the South Pacific, said Sunday Mr. Biden to reporters after laying a wreath. near the cemetery chapel. And I think of my son Beau.

He also used the opportunity to indirectly change Mr. Trump, who has championed an America-focused ideology and mocked NATO's role as Europe's protector and who, as president, withdrew the United States from international pacts.

The idea of ​​being able to avoid engaging in major battles in Europe is simply not realistic, Mr. Biden said. This is why it is so important that we continue to build the alliances we have. Continue to maintain NATO strength.

As a candidate in 2015, Mr. Trump disdained the war service of Senator John McCain and often seemed privately disrespectful to those who volunteered for military service.

Everyone who participated in that war was an idiot, John F. Kelly, his second White House chief of staff and a retired Marine general, said of Vietnam. I don't know why you think these guys who are killed or injured are heroes. They are losers. Mr. Trump denied calling the soldiers idiots and losers.

Mr. Trump, who avoided serving in Vietnam because of a diagnosis of bone spurs in his feet that a New York Times article suggested may have come from a doctor as a courtesy to his father, made clear during of his presidency that he thought the army owed its duty. loyalty to him personally.

He told aides privately that he did not want wounded soldiers in a military parade because it did not look good and asked Mr. Kelly why his generals could not be more loyal , like the German generals in Hitler's service during World War II. Since leaving office, Mr. Trump has publicly suggested that Gen. Mark A. Milley, whom he appointed as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, might deserve to be executed for not being enough for him. loyal.

The cemetery incident occurred during a trip in November 2018 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War. Mr. Trump was unhappy when he discovered he was scheduled to visit two cemeteries for American soldiers, and when it rained, he canceled the first one.

Aides said at the time that rain made flying to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery by helicopter problematic, and that the car trip would have taken two hours and disrupted Paris traffic. Mr. Kelly took the road in his place, accompanied by General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., then chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

Mr. Trump did visit another cemetery, the Suresnes American Cemetery, just outside Paris, as planned the next day, but by then it was too late to avoid the predictable political blowback.




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