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Kamala Harris expected to blast Trump at celebratory dinner in Michigan

Kamala Harris expected to blast Trump at celebratory dinner in Michigan


In one of her first campaign appearances since former President Donald J. Trump was convicted of falsifying business records, Vice President Kamala Harris sharply criticized him Saturday, calling him a cheat who believes he is above the law and has argued he should be disqualified for the presidency.

Ms. Harris, who was the headliner at a Democratic Party dinner in downtown Detroit, refuted Mr. Trump's false claims that her trial, like the 2020 presidential election, was rigged and defended the legal process behind his felony conviction.

Simply put, Donald Trump thinks he is above the law, she said. This should disqualify anyone who wants to become President of the United States.

Saturday night's speech capped a day of campaigning in Michigan, a crucial battleground state. Ms. Harris was accompanied by actress Octavia Spencer, attending a fundraiser in Ann Arbor and stopping at a black-owned bookstore in Ypsilanti.

In Detroit, the vice president opened her speech with remarks about the war in Gaza. As she attempted to describe the Biden administration's months-long effort to broker a ceasefire deal, a protester stood up and yelled at her and was quickly removed from the ballroom. Ms. Harris' response was stern: I appreciate and respect your voice, but I'm speaking right now.

She then continued her speech. We work every day to end this conflict in a way that ensures Israel's security, repatriates all hostages, ends the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people, and ensures that Palestinians can enjoy their right to self-determination , dignity and freedom. she says. As President Biden said last week, it is time for this war to end.

Regarding the election, Ms. Harris, the former California prosecutor, accused Mr. Trump of attacking the foundations of our justice system. She said the former president was convicted by a jury of 12 Americans selected in part by his defense team, and his lawyers had the opportunity to present their side of the evidence.

Do you know why he's complaining? Because the reality is that cheaters don't like to be caught, she said.

A Trump campaign spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The event took place in a pivotal state with heightened stakes. President Biden won the Michigan primary in February, 81% to 13%, prevailing over a movement that urged Democrats to vote without commitment to protest his support for Israel. But more than 100,000 voters took that position against him, including progressives, young people and many members of the state's large, politically active Arab-American community. Mr. Biden's campaign has also sought to shore up his support among black voters in cities like Detroit.




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