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Trump campaign prepares for Las Vegas rally after heat cases in Phoenix

Trump campaign prepares for Las Vegas rally after heat cases in Phoenix


Former President Donald Trump's campaign is taking steps ahead of a Sunday rally in Las Vegas to prevent sweltering conditions from leading to heat exhaustion or other heat-related injuries like those seen at a recent campaign event in Phoenix.

Attendees at Trump events often arrive hours before the former president's remarks are scheduled to begin, waiting in long security lines. The campaign says the event will begin at 9 a.m. and the former president's remarks are expected to begin at noon in an outdoor park.

Temperatures in Las Vegas reached 111 degrees on Thursday and the city remained under an excessive heat warning on Saturday. The heat is expected to ease slightly on Sunday, but temperatures in Las Vegas are still expected to climb up to 104 degrees, according to the forecast. High temperatures in early June are typically in the upper 90s.

The campaign build-up in Las Vegas follows Trump's remarks at an event in Phoenix on Thursday the same day the city reached 110 degrees for the first time in 2024. Potential attendees at the Arizona event waited outside for hours to enter a town hall hosted by Turning Point. Action and held in a mega-church. Local firefighters said 11 people were taken to hospital due to heat exhaustion.

In preparation for Sunday's rally, the Trump campaign said it would hand out bottled water to attendees waiting in line, set up misting and cooling stations, ensure sufficient medical staff were present and provide space for limited tent with shade and air conditioning which would be available on a first come, first served basis.

Although security at these types of events may sometimes prohibit liquids or umbrellas, the campaign says plastic water bottles and small umbrellas would be allowed. The campaign also encouraged participants to check the weather and wear appropriate clothing in preparation for the heat.

The ongoing heat wave stretching from Texas to California is the direct result of a high-pressure heat dome that scorched Mexico for weeks, resulting in the hottest month of May and the driest ever recorded in the country. It has now spread north and west into parts of the United States. Such thermal domes remove clouds and compress the air below, causing the air to warm.

For the second day in a row, Climate Centrals' Climate Change Index for Friday reached Level 5 across much of the Southwestern United States. This is the highest level of the index, indicating that human-caused climate change has made such heat five times more likely.

Trump, however, has largely dismissed the impact of climate change, rolling back more than 125 environmental protections during his term, calling global warming a grand hoax, and mocking the concept of sea level rise. More Earlier this week, in an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, Trump again dismissed the impact of climate change.

The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming, he told Hannity, going on to reject President Biden's frequent assertion that climate change is an existential threat.

The effects of extreme heat on the human body can be fatal. Last year, there were more than 600 heat-related deaths in Maricopa County, Arizona, where Phoenix is ​​located.

Dan Stillman contributed to this report.




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