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In China, regional security officials urged to make regime stability a priority

In China, regional security officials urged to make regime stability a priority


According to official information, at least four provincial and municipal committees of the National Security Commission met in May and early June. The readings were brief and made no mention of specific events or targets.

At a meeting in southeastern Anhui Province on June 3, party chief Han Jun stressed the importance of Xi holistic approach to national security and asked officials to prioritize political security, that is, the stability of the regime.

Xi's prioritization of political security and holistic approach were also key messages at national security meetings held in May in Shanghai, in the east, as well as in Chongqing and Yunnan province, both in the southwest, according to official media.

Xi first mentioned this holistic approach in a speech at the inaugural meeting of the National Security Commission a decade ago. Xi heads the commission, which was created under the auspices of the Central Committee in November 2013 as part of a major overhaul of party institutions aimed at strengthening its control over security.

In his speech, Xi said political security is the foundation of the holistic approach to national security, and he also stressed the need for economic, military, cultural and social security.

Contact the national organization in May last year, Xi asked officials to prepare for the most pessimistic and extreme scenarios so they can withstand strong winds and waves, even perilous storms. He said China faces national security challenges that are significantly more complex and more difficult to manage than before.

Party secretaries who also head provincial and municipal committees of the National Security Commission outlined their approaches to improving security at recent meetings.

Chongqing Party Chief Yuan Jiajun stressed the need to guard against and suppress the infiltration, sabotage, subversion and secession activities of hostile forces, resolutely fight the ideological struggle and harshly suppress violent terrorist activities at a meeting on May 31 , according to the official press release.

He asked officials to do everything possible to ensure economic and financial security, especially to prevent and address hidden debts of local governments and state-owned enterprises.

In Yunnan the day before, party leader Wang Ning highlighted the province's role in protecting southwest China, including cracking down on cross-border crimes such as telecommunications scams, illegal immigration and smuggling. Yunnan shares borders with Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos.
At a meeting on May 15, Shanghai party chief Chen Jining said the city should build a solid foundation for economic security and effectively safeguard cultural security, according to party spokesperson Jiefang Daily. Chen also called for maintaining people's safety and a virtuous interaction between high-quality development and a high level of security.

A Nanjing University political scientist said security efforts must be balanced with development as the economy faces greater headwinds than a decade ago, when Xi introduced for the first time the holistic concept.

Security is certainly very important for the stability of party rule, but overdoing it seems to eat away at China's economic growth and affect employment, people's lives and government revenue, the political scientist said, who declined to be named because he is not authorized. speak to the media.

So, if they sincerely believe in the holistic approach to security, they should reexamine how to balance it, because too much emphasis on security creates other social risks.




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