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Erdoan receives Azerbaijani President before his visit to Europe

Erdoan receives Azerbaijani President before his visit to Europe


During Aliyev's “work”visit“, according to Erdoan's office, the leaders reviewed bilateral relations and explored ways to further deepen their cooperation. The discussions are also expected to encompass regional and global issues of mutual interest.

After his visit, Erdoan will meet the main opposition leader, Zgr Zel, on June 11 at the headquarters of the Republican People's Party (CHP). He will then leave for Spain for a two-day visit starting June 12, at the invitation of Prime Minister Pedro. Sanchez.

In Madrid, the crucial topic on the agenda will be the Israeli attacks in Gaza. Erdoan is expected to express gratitude for Spain's recent official recognition of Palestine as a state, according to local media.

Leaders are expected to discuss establishing a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, facilitating humanitarian aid to the region and handling the ongoing genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice .

Trkiye and Spain announced their decision to join South Africa's complaint before the UN's highest court.

After Spain, Erdoan will travel to Italy to attend the G7 summit in Bari on June 14. The president is expected to hold bilateral meetings with other leaders. His discussions will focus on seeking a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and stopping Israeli attacks.

Alongside Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, the summit will bring together US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida .

It will also see the participation of EU Council chief Charles Michel, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, Pope Francis, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and leaders of South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, India, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Meanwhile, Erdoan's European tour holds significant importance for Trkiye's pursuit of Eurofighter jets as an alternative to the recently approved F-16 purchases from the United States.

Germany, a key producer of these advanced jets, has not yet agreed for sales to take place. Erdoan is expected to raise this issue in his meetings, according to reports.

The finalized F-16 deal, valued at $23 billion, sees Trkiye acquiring 40 new F-16s and upgrading 79 existing aircraft, following recent approval by the US Congress.

The Biden administration's notification came after Erdoan approved Sweden's membership in NATO, a development that ends more than a year of negotiations.

After his visit to Southern Europe, Erdoan will attend the NATO summit in Washington from July 9-11, where he will meet various heads of state and government, including Biden.

Source: HDN




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