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Trump to make recorded remarks to Christian group that calls for 'complete eradication' of abortion

Trump to make recorded remarks to Christian group that calls for 'complete eradication' of abortion


INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Donald Trump will make a virtual appearance Monday before a Christian group that calls for the complete eradication of abortion, as the presumptive Republican nominee will once again address an issue Democrats want to put at the center of the presidential election of this year.

The former president pre-recorded a video that will be shown at an event hosted by the Danbury Institute, which meets in Indianapolis in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Danbury Institute, an association of churches, Christians and organizations, states on its website that it believes the greatest atrocity facing our generation today is the practice of abortion and that she must put an end to it.

We will not rest until it is completely eradicated, the group said.

Trump has repeatedly taken credit for overturning a federally guaranteed right to abortion by naming three of the judges who overturned Roe v. Wade, but he resisted his support for a national abortion ban and said he wanted to leave the issue up to the states.

Although the Danbury Institute announced Trump as a virtual speaker at the event, his campaign clarified Monday that Trump had pre-recorded a brief video. In a transcript of his remarks provided by the campaign, Trump thanks the audience for their immense dedication to God and country.

These are difficult times for our nation and your work is so important. “We can't afford for anyone to stand aside. Now is the time for all of us to come together and defend our values ​​and our freedoms,” Trump said, according to the transcript. We must defend religious freedom, freedom of speech, innocent life, and the heritage and traditions that have made America the greatest nation in the history of the world. I know that each of you protects these values ​​every day, and I look forward to upholding them side by side over the next four years.

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Southern Baptists who will hear from Trump on Monday and Republicans as a whole are divided on abortion policy, with some calling for an immediate and complete ban on abortion and others more open to progressive tactics. Polls in recent years have found that a majority of Americans support some access to abortion, and abortion rights groups have won several statewide votes since the reversal of Roe, including in conservative-led states like Kansas and Ohio.

Like the GOP, the Southern Baptist Convention has gradually moved to the right since the 1980s, and its members were at the forefront of the broader religious movement that strongly supported Republican presidents, from Ronald Reagan to Trump. The Conservative Baptist Network, one of the event's sponsors, wants to move the conservative denomination even further to the right.

Despite criticizing President Bill Clinton's sexual behavior in the 1990s, Southern Baptists and other evangelicals have supported Trump. This has continued despite allegations of sexual misconduct, multiple divorces and now his conviction on 34 counts in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election by paying hush money to a porn actor who said the two had sex. Trump will deliver his speech the same day he appears virtually for a pre-sentencing interview with New York probation officers.

Many Southern Baptists say they see it as the only alternative to a Democratic agenda they abhor.

H. Sharayah Colter, a spokesperson for the Danbury Institute, said in a statement that the presidential race was a binary choice and said Trump had demonstrated a willingness to protect the value of life even when he was politically unpopular .

And Albert Mohler, longtime president of the denomination's flagship seminary and once a staunch Clinton critic, wrote an article after Trump's conviction attacking Democrats for their support of transgender rights.

Say what you want about Donald Trump and his sex scandals, he doesn't confuse man and woman, wrote Mohler, who is one of the designated speakers for Monday's event, along with other members of the flank right.

Trump has said he would not sign a national ban on abortion, and in an interview on Fox News Channel last week, commenting on how some states enshrine the right to abortion and others restrict it, he said the people decide and in many ways. , it’s a beautiful thing to look at.

For more than a year, until he announced his position this spring, Trump had held back from endorsing any specific national limits on abortion, unlike many other Republicans who ultimately ended their presidential campaigns. Trump has repeatedly said the issue could be politically sensitive and suggested he would negotiate a policy that would include exceptions for rape, incest and to protect the life of the mother.

Democrats and President Joe Biden's campaign have attempted to tie Trump to more conservative state-level abortion bans as well as a recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling that would have restricted access to fertilization in vitro and other widely popular fertility procedures.

Four more years of Donald Trump mean empowering organizations like the Danbury Institute that want to ban abortion nationwide and punish women who have abortions, said Sarafina Chitika, a Biden campaign spokeswoman. Trump boasts that he is responsible for overturning Roe, he thinks the extreme state bans imposed because of him are working very brilliantly, and if given the chance he will sign a national abortion ban. These are the challenges of this month of November.

Asked about his appearance before the Danbury Institute, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said Trump had been very clear: he supports the right of states to determine laws on this issue and supports the three exceptions for the rape, incest and mother's life. .

Leavitt also said that President Trump is committed to speaking to groups with diverse opinions on all issues, as evidenced by his recent speech to the Libertarian Convention, his meetings with labor unions and his efforts to campaign in various neighborhoods across the country.


Price reported from New York.




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