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Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia | President Jokowi, Ms. Iriana Review Simultaneous Intervention Movement to Prevent Stunting in Posyandu Bogor

Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia |  President Jokowi, Ms. Iriana Review Simultaneous Intervention Movement to Prevent Stunting in Posyandu Bogor


President Jokowi accompanied by Ms. Iriana visited Posyandu Wijaya Kusuma, Kebon Pedes, Bogor City, West Java, Tuesday (06/11/2024). (Photo: BPMI Setpres/Laily Rachev)

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by Ms. Iriana visited Posyandu Wijaya Kusuma, Kebon Pedes, Bogor City, West Java, Tuesday (06/11/2024) to directly inspect the activities of the Simultaneous Prevention Intervention Movement Growth retardation. This movement, carried out simultaneously in June, is part of the government's efforts to reduce the workforce growth retardation in Indonesia.

Upon arrival at the event venue, President Jokowi immediately reviewed the activities carried out at the posyandu, including registration, weighing and measuring weight and height, registration and education sanitary. There are two additional special tables at the posyandu, especially for prevention purposes growth retardation and family resilience, which demonstrates local innovation in tackling the problem of stunting.

According to Meira Sophia, President of Pokja 4 PKK Bogor City, this activity involves an integrated process from registration to counseling with the aim of optimizing prevention. growth retardation. “Thank God, people are very enthusiastic and really want to come to this place in droves to meet the president,” he said, expressing the enthusiasm of residents to participate in the posyandu program.

The activities at Posyandu Wijaya Kusuma themselves target at least 105 babies and young children, brides and grooms and a number of pregnant women. Meira hopes that with this simultaneous movement the prevalence rate will increase growth retardation in Indonesia can be significantly reduced.

With this simultaneous movement, it is hoped that simultaneous measures and then simultaneous and integrated intervention in all lines can reduce the number growth retardation which will then create a good generation in 2045, he explained.

Local residents, including Zulaeha, who regularly takes her grandchildren to the posyandu, feel happy and motivated by the president's presence. “Very happy, the movement (prevention growth retardation) good, orderly and neat,” Zulaeha said.

Givani, mother of a 4-month-old child, also said that prevention activities growth retardation au posyandu is very useful, particularly in providing more easily accessible health services to the community.

With simultaneous preventive movement Growth retardation Through this, the government hopes that there will be a significant reduction in the prevalence of stunting and achieve the target of reducing it to 14 percent by 2024. This move is also expected to help create a healthier and smarter future generation to meet the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy and Acting Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin also accompanied President Jokowi and Ms. Iriana in this activity. West Java Governor Bey Machmudin and Acting. The mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari. (BPMI SETPRES/AIT)




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