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Prime Minister's core team retains interior, defense, finance and external affairs functions CheckFullList

Prime Minister's core team retains interior, defense, finance and external affairs functions CheckFullList


Modi 3.0 Cabinet Portfolio Allocations: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has retained 34 ministers from his previous council, including 19 in the Cabinet, as he begins his third term. Prominent names include Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, Nitin Gadkari, Nirmala Sitharaman and S Jaishankar who retained their previous portfolios. The ministries were unveiled a day after the oath-taking ceremony in which 71 leaders of the NDA bloc took oath to be included in the council of ministers.

View the full list of assigned ministries:

Cabinet of Ministers

Names To party Wallet
1.Rajnath Singh BJP Defense Minister.
2. Amit Shah BJP Minister of the Interior ; and Minister of Cooperation.
3. Nitin Jairam Gadkari BJP Minister of Road Transport and Roads.
4. Jagat Prakash Nadda BJP Minister of Health and Family Welfare; and Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers.
5. Shivraj Singh Chouhan BJP Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare; and Minister of Rural Development.
6. Nirmala Sitharaman BJP Ministry of Finance; and Minister of General Affairs.
7. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar BJP Minister of External Affairs.
8. Manohar Lal Khattar BJP Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs; and minister of power.
9. HD Kumaraswamy JD(S) Minister of Heavy Industries; and Minister of Steel.
10. Piyush Goyal BJP Minister of Commerce and Industry.
11. Dharmendra Pradhan BJP Education Minister.
12. Jitan Ram Manjhi HAM Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
13. Rajiv Ranjan Singh aka Lalan Singh JD(U) Minister of Panchayati Raj; and Minister of Fisheries, Livestock and Dairy Production.
14. Sarbananda Sonowal BJP Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.
15. Virendra Kumar BJP Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment.
16. Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu TDP Minister of Civil Aviation.
17. Pralhad Joshi BJP Minister of Consumption, Food and Public Distribution; and Minister of New and Renewable Energy.
18. Sell Oram BJP Minister of Tribal Affairs.
19. Giriraj Singh BJP Minister of Textiles.
20. Ashwini Vaishnaw BJP Minister of Railways; Minister of Information and Broadcasting; and Minister of Electronics and Information Technology.
21. Jyotiraditya M.Scindia BJP Minister of Communications; and Minister of Development of the North-East Region.
22. Bhupender Yadav BJP Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
23. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat BJP Minister of Culture ; and Minister of Tourism.
24. Annpurna Devi BJP Minister of Women and Child Development
25. Kiren Rijiju BJP Minister of Parliamentary Affairs; and Minister of Minority Affairs.
26. Hardeep Singh Puri BJP Minister of Oil and Natural Gas
27. Mansoukh Mandaviya BJP Minister of Labor and Employment; and Minister of Youth and Sports.
28. G. Kishan Reddy BJP Minister of Coal; and Minister of Mines.
29. Chirag Paswan LJP (Ram Vilas) Minister of Agri-Food Industries.
30. CR Paatil BJP Minister of Jal Shakti.

Ministers of State (independent charge)

1. Rao Inderjit Singh BJP Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation; Minister of State (Independent Charge) at the Ministry of Planning; and Minister of State at the Ministry of Culture.
2. Jitendra Singh BJP Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Science and Technology; Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Earth Sciences; Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office; Minister of State in the Department of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions; Minister of State at the Department of Atomic Energy; and Minister of State at the Department of Space.
3. Arjun Ram Meghwal BJP Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Law and Justice; and Minister of State in the Department of Parliamentary Affairs.
4. Jadhav Prataprao Ganpatrao Shiv Sena Minister of State (Independent Charge) in the Ministry of Ayush; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
5. Jayant Chaudhary RLD Minister of State (Independent Charge) in the Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Education.

Ministers of State

1. Jitin Prasada BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Trade and Industry; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
2. Shripad Yesso Naik BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Energy; and Minister of State in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
3. Pankaj Chaudhary BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance.
4. Krishan Pal Gurjar BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Cooperation.
5. Ramdas Athawale IRP Minister of State in the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
6.Ram Nath Thakur JD(U) Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare.
7. Nityanand Rai BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of the Interior.
8. Anupriya Patel Apna Dal (Soneylal) Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers.
9. V.Somanna BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Jal Shakti; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Railways.
10.Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani TDP Minister of State at the Ministry of Rural Development; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications.
11. Satya Pal Singh Baghel BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Fisheries, Livestock and Dairying; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj.
12. Shobha Karandlaje BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Labor and Employment.
13.Kirtivardhan Singh BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change; and Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs.
14. BL Verma BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
15. Shantanu Thakur BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.
16. Suresh Gopi BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Tourism.
17. L.Murugan BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting; and Minister of State in the Department of Parliamentary Affairs.
18. Ajay Tamta BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
19. Bandi Sanjay Kumar BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of the Interior.
20. Kamlesh Paswan BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural Development.
21. Bhagirath Choudhary BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare.
22. Satish Chandra Dubey BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Coal; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Mines.
23. Sanjay Seth BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Defense.
24. Ravneet Singh Bittu BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Agri-Food Industries; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Railways.
25. Durgadas Uikey BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
26. Raksha Nikhil Khadse BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
27. Sukanta Majumdar BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Education; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Development of the North East Region.
28. Savitri Thakur BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
29. Tokhan Sahu BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning.
30. Raj Bhushan Choudhary BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Jal Shakti.
31. Bhupathi Raju Srinivasa Varma BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Heavy Industries; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Steel.
32. Malhotra lasts BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of General Affairs; and Minister of State at the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
33. Nimuben Jayantibhai Bambhaniya BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
34. Murlidhar Mohol BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of Cooperation; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
35. Georges Kurian BJP Minister of State in the Ministry of Minority Affairs; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Fisheries, Livestock and Dairying.
36. Pabitra Marguerite BJP Minister of State at the Ministry of External Affairs; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Textiles.

ALSO READ | While Modi Cabinet 3.0 retains Prime Minister's core team and key ministries, here's a comparison with NDA 2.0

Modi 3.0 cabinet

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance returned to the Center for a third term on Sunday as Narendra Modi was sworn in as Prime Minister. BJP stalwarts Piyush Goyal, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Dharmendra Pradhan and Bhupender Yadav, who moved from Rajya Sabha to Lok Sabha, retained their ministerial positions. Besides, former Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal, Ashwini Vaishnaw, Virendra Kumar, Pralhad Joshi, Giriraj Singh and Jual Oram were among those sworn in.

BJP leader JP Nadda, Jual Oram and Ajay Tamta were among the ministers who were inducted into the Union cabinet after a hiatus.

The Bharatiya Janata Party continues its third term after the NDA won the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The BJP, with 240 seats, however, failed to cross the majority mark, making the saffron party dependent allies like the TDP and the JD(U). .




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