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Imran Khan says Pakistani media has been silenced for the past two years

Imran Khan says Pakistani media has been silenced for the past two years


Lahore: Jailed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday alleged that the media had been silenced by the state and dissident journalists had been repressed over the past two years in the country.

Khan has been incarcerated at the high security Adiala Prison in Rawalpindi since his arrest 10 months ago for his involvement in several cases, some of which resulted in conviction.

In Pakistan, the media has always been vulnerable to state control while journalists have been targeted for their critical approaches. Over the past two years in Pakistan, the media has been forced into silence and dissident journalists are threatened with repression, Khan, 71, said on his X account.

Independent media constitute one of the most important pillars of the state. It acts as a watchdog and forces the government to correct its situation. In Pakistan, the media has always been vulnerable to state control while journalists have been targeted for their criticism.

– Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) June 11, 2024

The former prime minister's post comes days after the Punjab government, led by Maryam Nawaz, daughter of Khan's arch-rival and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, recently introduced the Punjab Defamation Act, 2024, a piece of legislation controversial defamation issue that imposes massive restrictions on press freedom. in the name of fake news.

Independent media constitute one of the most important pillars of the state. It acts as a watchdog and forces the government to correct its course, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party founder said.

My government tried to change this environment by introducing the Journalists and Media Protection Act, but it has been sidelined since the establishment of the VoNC, he said.

VoNC he was referring to was the April 2022 vote of no confidence that brought down his government due to an alleged leak of a diplomatic cable.

On Tuesday, the PTI founder cited the example of some journalists who were either murdered or forced to leave the country due to their criticism of the Pakistan Army for its political role.

Arshad Sharif was forced into exile following serious threats and was murdered in cold blood in Kenya. Dr Moeed Pirzada, Sabir Shakir and Wajahat Saeed Khan were forced to leave the country. Imran Riaz Khan was kidnapped and tortured for more than six months, while journalists like Siddique Jan, Sami Ibrahim, Arif Hameed Bhatti and Adeel Habib are under constant pressure, he said, and he was questioned : Who is orchestrating this systematic oppression in flagrant violation of our rights? Constitution and our commitments under international conventions?

Khan added that repression and muzzling of the media through threats, harassment and suppressive orders is also a direct attack on democracy and freedom of expression.

Pakistani journalists' organizations have challenged the Punjab Defamation Act, 2024 in the Lahore High Court.

Published on June 11, 2024, 10:49 am IST




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