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Let's vote with our feet and leave the UK

Let's vote with our feet and leave the UK


Let this be the last time the people of Northern Ireland have to vote in a UK general election.

As this unfortunate campaign unfolded, it became increasingly clear that what happens in Britain is of little or no importance to people here.

In fact, all the Sunaks July poll did was encourage the fanatics to deploy their sectarian threats and raise their pyres.

All Taigs Will Be Crucified, headlined a headline on Friday reporting abuse of SDLP election workers. Well, at least it's a step forward on crucifixions, too good for them.

Election-season bigotry comes in all shapes and sizes, from the blatant and very public abuses people witness on a daily basis on the campaign trail, to the much more subtle decisions made on the ground by self-styled politicians. saying adults ready to sacrifice themselves. their party's overall vote share by withdrawing to ensure that MPs do not enter.

Pacts? What pacts? The electorate can see right through those wise smiles.

Call me old-fashioned, but (and with all due respect to the inestimable Brian Feeney) I think politicians should let the electorate decide who to vote for. If you are not willing to stand up and be counted, you are nothing more than a lobby group.

The needs of this part of the world have always been at the bottom of the pecking order when British, or rather English, politicians chart their course. Time and time again, decisions have been made at Westminster with consequences that undermine peace and progress here.

To be fair, Scottish and Welsh MPs in this so-called United Kingdom have also been disrespected by English MPs, who dominate Parliament through sheer force of numbers.

But neither Scotland nor Wales have had to endure the levels of civil war experienced by their people. And while there have been serious miscarriages of justice across the UK, no one else has had to experience state violence on a scale comparable to that seen in Northern Ireland, even though residents of mining communities might disagree with this.

I know that even the devil can quote Scripture for his own purposes, but it is worth remembering Lord Carson's verdict on the Conservative Party about 100 years ago.

Sir Edward Carson used his charisma and oratorical powers to great effect in resisting the British government's plans for Irish autonomy.
Sir Edward, later Lord Carson

What an idiot I was. I was a puppet, along with Ulster and Ireland, in the political game that was to bring the Conservative Party to power.

He went on to say that after supporting them, they push back the ladder without caring about the pain, hurt, misdeeds or damage they cause to those who helped them rise to power.

Here, in a few sentences, is the fate of the North summed up. And it is also a more than appropriate epitaph for the unfortunate DUP who stupidly aligned themselves with the conservative right and a lying Boris Johnson only to be rewarded with a border along the Irish Sea and a few seats in the House of Lords.

Despite the weight of evidence against Boris Johnson, DUP MPs, including Ian Paisley, abstained in the party vote.  Photo by Justin Kernoghan
The unfortunate DUP stupidly aligned itself with the conservative right and a lying Boris Johnson

Indigenous politicians will have to take responsibility for the collapse of the national health care system, the schools that are failing too many children, and the chronic lack of strength in the economy.

But at the root of all our ills is a national legislature focused primarily on the south of England, with a ruling party still committed to austerity for working people while enriching those who already own wealth, and led by a Prime Minister so incompetent he couldn't do it. even beat Liz Truss for leadership of her party.

At the root of all our ills is a national legislature focused primarily on the south of England, with a ruling party still committed to austerity for working people while enriching those who already own wealth, and led by a prime minister so incompetent he couldn't beat him. even Liz Truss for the leadership of her party

I fear Starmers Labor will be little different. With the exception of Blair's role in the peace process, led primarily by Mo Mowlam, Labor has toed the establishment line, supported repression and suppressed state wrongdoing. Starmers boasts about his role as Director of Public Prosecutions ring hollow to many.

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer arrives at the Parliament Buildings in Stormont this month.  He also has a hill to climb to convince voters he's not boring.  Photo by Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire.
Would Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer be better for Northern Ireland?

Trade unionism must become aware of the fraud being perpetrated on it by politicians dressed in red, white and blue, but who are only married to the cross of Saint George (a Turk by the way).

The truth is that they can be British within a reunited Ireland, and with the benefit of being rid of Westminster decision-makers who don't care at all about these six little counties in the north-east of Ireland .




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