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Imran Khan criticizes election commissioner's performance, calls for probe

Imran Khan criticizes election commissioner's performance, calls for probe


In an impromptu discussion with journalists in the courtroom of Adiala jail, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan made strong statements against Mohsin Naqvi, calling for his removal due to its failure to hold elections. Khan highlighted Naqvi's alleged incompetence and nepotism, raising concerns about the integrity of the electoral process.

Khan expressed his frustration by saying, “Our soldiers are being martyred, thefts are common in Islamabad, but they remain indifferent. Mohsin Naqvi is the biggest beneficiary of favoritism. What special qualities does he have? He pointed out that efforts were being made to silence him in order to cover up electoral fraud, accusing the Chief Election Commissioner of orchestrating the malpractice and then directing complaints to his office.

The former prime minister expressed his displeasure over the actions against PTI supporters: “Our party members are being targeted across Punjab. Wherever the PTI holds congresses, participants are detained. He argued that a thorough examination of the electoral process was necessary to uncover the truth.

Khan also shared an alarming incident involving PTI leader Shibli Faraz, whose residence of 18 years was allegedly raided. He urged his party to prepare for nationwide protests, pointing to the deteriorating economic situation with rising debts and falling incomes.

Addressing his conditions of detention, Khan criticized the preferential treatment given to former leaders Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari, who received home-cooked meals and frequent visits. “I only have 30 minutes to meet with family members, lawyers and political leaders. My food is prepared by a fellow inmate and visits are limited to six people,” he lamented. He vowed to take legal action against the prison director, the inspector general of prisons and a colonel stationed at the prison, accusing them of acting on behalf of the opposition.

Asked about the presence of PML-N MP lawyer Aqeel Malik in the courtroom, Khan suggested that PML-N and PTI lawmakers should be jailed to ensure fairness. He also referred to his lawyer, Intizar Panjhota, when asked about the relevance of the Hamoodur Rahman Commission report to current affairs. As the conversation intensified, prison staff eventually escorted the media out of the courtroom.




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