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Will my electric boat electrocute me? : Shark Edition

Will my electric boat electrocute me?  : Shark Edition


Former President Trump wants to know: Would you rather be electrocuted or eaten by a shark?

At a rally in Las Vegas on Sunday, the Republican nominee asked the question for what is at least the second time this election season (an odd choice, perhaps, given that Nevada is hardly a territory of sharks and is therefore unlikely that his supporters there would do so). I thought about this a lot).

Trump's fear of sharks is well-documented at this point, and I've thought a lot about this question myself. Personally, I would choose electrocution because of its speed, but unfortunately for me and for Trump, electrocution is not a realistic option in the scenario he then described. Trump says an unidentified person wants to make all-electric boats, which a boat company representative Trump spoke with in South Carolina said would require a battery so heavy it couldn't float .

As Trump continues:

I said, let me ask you a question. And he said no one had ever asked that question. And it must be because of MIT, my relationship with MIT. Very clever. I say: What would happen if the boat sank under its weight and you were in the boat, and you had this extremely powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there is a shark about 10 meters there.

Can you believe no one has ever asked this question?! Besides, there have been a lot of shark attacks lately, have you noticed? Trump digressed briefly before returning to his main point:

…Am I getting electrocuted? If the boat sinks, the water runs over the battery, the boat sinks, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over the shark and not get electrocuted? Because, I tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said: You know, no one has ever asked me that question. I said, I think that's a good question.

Luckily for Trump, I answered his question last year. And, as the former president must reassure himself, while all-electric boats are still in their infancy (and it's no mystery that they're trying to make them all-electric, anyway), boats more generally have been using batteries for over a century. .

Additionally, maritime architects design their boats knowing that they can get wet. It's true! The electric boat manufacturers I spoke with for my article told me that their designs generally meet a waterproof standard similar to that required for submarines, and that the high-voltage batteries on board are kept in puncture-resistant hulls to prevent exposure even if the boat were to be incredibly mangled.

Although electric shock is a danger in water, electric shock drownings are usually caused by faulty wiring at a dock or marina. However, this mainly occurs in lakes and rivers; Salt water, where most sharks live, is a better conductor of electricity than the human body, so it will bypass the swimmer to the ground unless they grab something electrified, like a ladder dock or a boat propeller.

This is all a long way of saying: if your electric or other boat is sinking, electrocution may not even be an option for a quick, toothless death. You will have to face the shark at 10 meters, whether you like it or not.

And for that I can offer no assurance. After all, as a very intelligent person recently observed, there have indeed been a lot of shark attacks lately.




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